Beginning Knitting
February 4 @ 6:00 pm - February 25 @ 8:30 pm
$60Learn how to knit and discover a relaxing hobby you’ll enjoy for a lifetime! This course will show you everything you need to know to get started with knitting. First, you’ll learn how to get yarn onto the needles. Then, you’ll learn how to make the all-important knit and purl stitches (and some other stitches along the way). Lastly, we’ll go over how to get your knitting off the needles. Students will work at their own pace. Students are responsible for purchasing their own supplies before the first class. A supply list will be provided at time of registration or upon request.
Cost: $60 Instructor: Rachel Peterson
Tuesdays-February 4, 11, 18, & 25
CRN: 65601