Exploring Culinary Herbs
April 30 @ 6:00 pm - May 7 @ 8:00 pm
$45Are you intrigued by culinary herbs, but do not know how to grow or use them? In this 2-session class, Dr. Lee will discuss popular herbs, along with some terrific lesser-known ones. In the first session, learn how to grow, harvest, and use at least 12 easy to grow plants. In the second session, join Dr. Lee at Four Winds Farm, where you will explore culinary herbs in more depth in their natural habitat. A helpful study guide is included. First class meets at JWCC, second class meets at Four Winds Farm: 3729 North 36th Street.
Cost: $45 Instructor: Dr. Deborah Lee
Wednesday-April 30 & May 7
6:00pm-8:00pm CRN: 65581