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Academic Calendar
Events - Academic Calendar
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John Wood Community College 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy, IL, United StatesSpring Classes Begin (2nd 8-weeks)
John Wood Community College 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy, IL, United StatesSpring mid-term (12-weeks)
John Wood Community College 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy, IL, United StatesSpring mid-term (2nd 8-weeks)
John Wood Community College 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy, IL, United StatesSpring Recess (No Classes; College Closed April 17-18)
John Wood Community College 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy, IL, United StatesAll classes that start 5:00 PM or later on Tuesday, April 15 will not be held. All other classes that day will meet. The college is closed to the public […]
Last Day of Classes (16-weeks, 12-weeks, 2nd 8-weeks)
John Wood Community College 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy, IL, United StatesFinal Exams (16-weeks, 12-weeks, 2nd 8-weeks)
John Wood Community College 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy, IL, United StatesSee the Final Exam schedule page for full details.
John Wood Community College 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy, IL, United StatesSee our graduation page for more information.