Proctored testing services are available in Room B131 in the Library/Learning Resources Center. For information contact us by email.
For testing services available at outlying centers, please contact:
Last updated: 2/27/25
Mission: The John Wood CC Testing Room promotes student success by providing a quiet, secure area for administering tests.
In this mission, we are guided by the professional best practices for proctoring published by the National College Testing Association.
Vision: JWCC Testing Room Staff will “promote conduct that enhances a fair and secure testing experience and the validity of testing results.”
A monitored testing room is available on the Quincy Campus in the northeast corner of the Library (Room B131). Testing is available for all JWCC courses. Space is available on a first-come first-served basis. If using the testing room for your entire course, please allow students multiple days to complete testing to avoid overbooked space in the testing room.
Instructors may complete a Proctored Test Instruction Form for each test to be proctored. This form details the testing parameters that test proctors will follow (due date, time limit, materials that may be consulted, etc.) as well as faculty contact information in case there are questions. You may also e-mail instructions to the testing room. Please note: any questions not answered in the written instructions from faculty will be answered at the discretion of the testing room staff.
Structured and Open Learning Classes
Online and Hybrid Classes
Placement Testing
Proctoring outside the testing room
As a service to our district residents, the testing room may provide free proctoring for colleges/universities, institutions, or agencies. Individuals and students who wish to have a test proctored will make the appropriate contacts between the original institution and JWCC. You must alert us if any special software is required, as it may or may not be available. Contact the testing room for more information.
Last updated: 3/1/22
Last updated: 2/27/25
Honorlock is a remote testing service, first implemented during the pandemic, and is intended to ensure the integrity of coursework. It may be required for students in some classes. It is monitored by an outside party and is not part of the JWCC testing room.