American flag etched on a military helmet

Military Students

John Wood offers a dedicated military and veterans’ specialist and admissions and advising team to help you.

Important Information for Students Using Post 9/11 GI Bill® Benefits

Starting spring semester 2022, students using Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits will be required to verify their enrollment at the end of each month. Failure to verify for two consecutive months will interrupt the Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments.  Please visit the enrollment verification webpage from the US Department of Veteran Affairs for more information.

A simple and convenient verification option is to sign up for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) text message verification. Students with a US mobile phone number on file with the VA will receive an opt-in text as their next enrollment period approaches. Students who do not have a US mobile phone number on file with VA will not be able to use text verification and instead be automatically enrolled into email verification system.

Another option for students who do not opt-in for text is to call the VA Education Call Center at 888-442-4551 to verify their enrollment status.

Credit for Military Experience/Training

As part of credit for prior learning, JWCC will automatically award 4 hours of college elective credit for basic military training to enrolled students who provide copies of their DD214 to our registrar’s office. We also award credit for military training and experience based upon your Joint Services transcript, CLEP, DANTES, DSST, and the ACE Military Guide recommendations. The American Council on Education’s (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services has been the standard reference work for recognizing learning acquired in the military for more than half a century.

If you would like to have a SOC evaluation of your academic records by JWCC, please complete the following steps after enrolling in JWCC classes. Please note that you must be an enrolled student at John Wood Community College before the requested SOC evaluation will be completed.

  1. Contact Lisa Snodgrass, Veterans Coordinator.
  2. Ensure a copy of your Joint Services Transcript is sent to JWCC
  3. Have official copies of all prior college or university transcripts sent directly to JWCC
  4. Submit all CLEP, DANTES, and DSST scores if appropriate

ALL documents should be submitted to the following address:
Office of the Registrar
John Wood Community College
1301 South 48th Street
Quincy, IL  62305.

Military Friendly School

Certification for the US Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs is provided by the Enrollment Services Center.  The certifying official works with veterans to assist them with the paperwork necessary for federal veterans’ benefits as well as the Illinois Veterans Grant and Illinois National Guard Grant.  JWCC is approved as an eligible institution for the instruction of veterans, reservists, and dependents under Title 38 United States Code programs. State IVG and ING applications are available in the Enrollment Services Center.

John Wood Community College will grant credit for military service, both active and reserve, based on recommendations of the American Council on Education and the Community College of the Air Force, when the granting of that credit is appropriate to the student’s current educational goals. To receive credit for these courses, the student must present a copy of their DD 214 (Separation from Military Service), CCAF transcript or Joint Services transcript or other proof deemed to be acceptable by the Registrar.

Tuition and Fees

Quality Education, Without All the Debt!

Compare annual estimated costs. JWCC: $5440 tuition, $300 fees, $4784 grants, $1000 scholarships. College Z: $36346 tuition, $4784 grants, $12000 scholarships.

Notice loans are not included in the above equation. Loans are only a tool to help pay what you owe, not to reduce your tuition or total cost.

*Based on in-district tuition for 2023-24 academic year, 32 hours or 16 credit hours per semester. Fees vary based on lab, class and program. Average grants and scholarships for first time, full-time students 2021-2022 academic year. (College Z figures based on actual data from regional 4-year school)

Tuition and institutional fees (in-district = $170/credit hour, online = $200/credit hour, out-of-district = $290/credit hour).

Students who live outside of the JWCC district (out-of-district or out-of-state) and utilize Federal Post 9/11, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, or VA Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) benefits under the Veteran’s Education Assistance Act of 2008 will be charged in-district tuition in accordance with Illinois House Bill 2353.

Financial Assistance

If you plan to use Veteran educational benefits, use the four-step process to determine your eligibility and apply for those benefits if appropriate.

Step 1: Complete the JWCC admissions and registration process

Step 2: Determine your Eligibility

Contact the VA office online at the US GI Bill® website (or toll-free at 888.442.4551) to see if you qualify for VA Benefits, GI Bill® benefits, and/or the Top-Up program and to request any necessary forms. Please note:  Forms should also be available at all DVA offices, most active duty military stations, and American Embassies in other countries.

Step 3: Complete & Send your VA Application

Get your VA Application for Benefits* (22-1990). If you are on active duty, your ESO will need to sign the bottom of the 3rd page.

Apply online on the GI Bill® website

The OVA must take several steps to get your student application in their system. This process includes the following steps and may take up to 12 weeks:

  1. OVA personnel receive your enrollment verification from JWCC
  2. OVA contacts DoD to verify that you have made payments toward the VA Program
  3. OVA personnel confirm that the “VA Entitlement” was awarded to you
  4. OVA enters your student information in their system to complete the application process

Check on the status of their VA application should contact their OVA toll-free at 888.442.4551

Please note:

Discharged students must also send a copy of their DD214.

Students who have already submitted a VA application may send a “Certificate of Eligibility” in lieu of the application.

Students who have used VA benefits at another school must submit a completed “Request for Change in Program or Place of Training” (22-1995) in lieu of the application.

Step 4: Continue to verify enrollment

After registering for classes each semester, visit the Veteran’s Coordinator located in the Enrollment Services Office and fill out a “blue sheet for veteran enrollment certification”. The Veteran’s Coordinator will then submit your enrollment to the OVA to be processed.

Top-Up programs users must do the following each semester:

  • Get a 22-1990 (Application for VA Benefits)
  • Have it signed by their Education Services Officer (ESO)
  • Send it to their VA office with a completed and approved military Tuition Assistance (TA) form.

Still have questions?  Email Lisa Snodgrass.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

JWCC is approved as an eligible institution for the instruction of veterans, reservists and dependents under Title 38, United States Code programs by the Illinois State Approving Agency. Anyone who thinks he or she may be eligible for benefits may obtain information and application forms through the Registrar’s Office. To be eligible for benefits, students must be enrolled in an eligible program, attend classes regularly and make satisfactory progress toward their educational goal. This means that a satisfactory GPA must be maintained and that the courses in which the student is enrolled will “reduce the number of credits needed to graduate or complete the program. For more information go to the GI Bill® Benefits Website.

This award will pay the full in-district tuition for Illinois veterans attending JWCC part-time or full-time. Any veteran who entered the armed forces as an Illinois resident and who served at least 12 months are returned to the State of Illinois within six months of separation may qualify for the Illinois Veteran’s Grant. A copy of the discharge papers, DD-214, and proof of state residency must accompany the application for the award. Information and application forms may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office or by filling out the Illinois Veteran Grant Application.

This award applies to tuition charged for attending JWCC part-time or full-time.  Eligibility requires that the recipient must be a member of the Illinois National Guard for at least one year and must continue to be a member for the duration of the grant. Information. Apply online at ISAC.

For most active duty military members, Military Tuition Assistance (TA) will cover 100% of tuition costs at JWCC. Each branch of service has established an annual cap for TA, as well.  Most JWCC students can expect TA to cover the cost of 4-6 courses annually. Check with your installation Education Center for details and to apply for tuition assistance.

Reserve Component
Reserve component members are also eligible for TA under this policy; however, each service component has established specific guidelines, limits, and policies for their members that may be different than the typical active duty policy.  Before registering for any courses, reserve members should check with their local Education Services Officer (ESO) for specific information and full understanding of the limits of their TA coverage.   Reserve members are also encouraged to seek any employer tuition assistance programs that may lower their total out-of-pocket costs.

Five Steps for Processing Your Request for Tuition Assistance

1. Determine the paperwork you’ll need.

If this is your first time setting up TA, or if you have relocated to a new base, you may need some or all of the following documents in order to complete the TA process with your ESO. Please contact your ESO to determine which documents you will need, and follow these directions to locate them and print them out:

Registration Receipt

2. Visit the Base Education Center

no later than 3 weeks prior to your class start date.

3. Complete the TA Form(s).

Please make sure to submit the proper number of forms:  Students taking more than one course can submit one TA form if all their courses have the same “start date”. Students taking more than one course where the course start dates are different must submit a separate TA form for each class.

Army is DA 2171 Form

Air Force is AF Form 1227

Navy and Marines is Form NETPDTC 1560/3 (Application for Tuition Assistance)

Coast Guard is Form CG4147

Correct Course number and title

Start and End Dates for the course(s)

Billing address for invoices to be sent

If you need assistance with this information, contact Kayla Lomax, JWCC Manager of Student Accounts.


Proper signatures from Education Services Officer (ESO) and Command Representative

Student signature

4. Send (FAX or MAIL) approved forms to JWCC prior to your course start date.

Fax copy of approved, completed TA form to 217.641.4191 (be sure you have the form set correctly in the fax machine)

Please do not send the Application for Tuition Assistance; this is not the approved form

If the Ed Center will fax the paperwork for you, please make sure they have done so

5. Allow 48 hours for JWCC to process the TA form, once it is faxed and follow-up if necessary.

If you do not receive a TA form confirmation email within 48 hours after you fax it, please follow up via email to Kayla Lomax.  Please always include your full name and last four digits of your SSN so that we can best assist you.

A limited number of part-time positions are available on campus to students who are using VA programs. This program is not affiliated with campus or Federal Work Study. See the Veteran’s Coordinator to apply. For more information go to the GI Bill® Benefits Website.

Additional Financial Assistance Links


Students applying to John Wood must submit transcripts including all previous college course work and all military credit.  An official transcript from each institution previously attended is required.

It is important that you have official transcripts sent at the earliest possible date.
A delay in submission of all your transcripts could result in enrollment in unnecessary or incorrect courses.

Army, National Guard, and Army Reserve, Marine Corps and Navy

Request a copy of your Joint Services Transcript (JST).

CCAF – Air Force

The Community College of the Air Force transcript request form is located at CCAF Transcript Request, or by writing:

100 South Turner Blvd
Gunter Annex AL 36114-3011

To have a transcript of all credits earned through John Wood Community College sent from JWCC you can print out a request form or request a transcript through your SOLAR account.  Contact the Help Desk if you need assistance accessing SOLAR.