JWCC Career Services Job Link Provides Employment Opportunities for Job Seekers and Employers

JWCC main campus building
March 25, 2020

John Wood Community College’s Career Services Center is offering a resource for students and community members searching for employment.

Job Link is a virtual connector between students and community members searching for work and employers looking for individuals with skills and qualifications. Students or community members who sign up for Job Link can list the categories or positions of interest to them while employers can post openings at www.jwcc.edu/job-link. As positions match individuals’ interests, a job notification is automatically emailed when posted by an employer.

Employers often post openings that can be linked to the programs offered at the College to target students currently pursuing certificates or degrees in specific areas. Many businesses are looking for electricians, computer-aided designers, logistics technicians, accountants, machinists, nurses, or sales representatives.

Major area employers who most actively use Job Link include Blessing Health System, Dot Foods, Niemann Foods, Gates Air and Chaddock, among others.

While the College’s physical locations are temporarily closed due to the coronavirus situation, all staff is working remotely and can answer any questions. More information on JWCC’s Job Link is available from Dick Tabb, JWCC career services center administrative specialist, at dtabb@jwcc.edu or 217.641.4974.

Information regarding the College’s response to the coronavirus may be found at www.jwcc.edu/coronavirus.

John Wood Community College is the educational link between business and community. JWCC collaboratively creates innovative and relevant academic and training programs with business leaders to educate young people and the workforce for today's needs and tomorrow's opportunities. JWCC has centers in Quincy, Pittsfield, Baylis and Mt. Sterling, Illinois. Programs include a comprehensive baccalaureate transfer curriculum, customized business training, career/technical degrees, certificates, and personal enrichment courses.