JWCC Trustees Hear Report on the Workforce Development Expansion Project

JWCC main campus building
February 17, 2022

JWCC Trustees Hear Report on the Workforce Development Expansion Project

 John Wood Community College Board of Trustees heard a special report on the Workforce Development Expansion Project from Klingner & Associates/BLDD during its regular meeting Wednesday, February 16.

The Workforce Development Center (WDC) expansion project is assisted with a federal grant titled: “EDA Economic Adjustment Assistance Program Grant”.  The grant was awarded to JWCC in June of 2021 and is a $6.1 MM project with 50% federal grant funding and a 50% local funding match. Klingner & Associates/BLDD is the contracted A/E firm.

The 14,170 square foot expansion at JWCC’s WDC site located at 4220 Kochs Lane in Quincy, will include the following:  a new Truck Driving Training addition, expansion of the east side including a new physical building entrance, expanded space for HVAC, and Business and Industry.  A remodel of the current interior of the building will include expanded space for welding, industrial maintenance and manufacturing, robotics and automation, and remains a flexible use-space for new programs. A new vehicle road entrance off 42nd Street will also be added that leads to an expanded parking area. The grant also includes the purchase of additional Career and Technical Education program equipment.

Klingner & Associates/BLDD reported on updates regarding the implementation of floor and site plans, design, aesthetics and materials. These updates are in collaboration with key John Wood stakeholder’s input and direction over the last several months. Project construction is expected to begin this summer, with planned completion anticipated in the fall of 2023.

Joe Knochel, Senior Project Manager with Klingner & Associates stated, “It is exciting to be near the end of the design phase of this project.  We are proud to design a building that will energize the interest in these career paths.”

Once completed, the project will provide opportunities for students to learn relevant skills in the most in-demand fields to meet the area’s work force needs, creating and retaining head-of-household positions, attracting private investment and strengthening resiliency throughout the region.

President Michael Elbe shared, “John Wood continues to be fluid, nimble and flexible on how we can adjust our curriculum and training facilities to address the local current workforce needs.”  He stated, “We continue to make investments for workforce training in the areas of manufacturing, agriculture, transportation/logistics, health sciences and many other career technical programs. The College is expanding our career education programs, and these training programs all require physical space to conduct hands-on training. Leveraging federal grant dollars and private funding is an excellent opportunity to provide in-demand programs and state-of-the-art facilities for this region to support the workforce needs of the Tri-State area.”

In other business, the board:

Authorized submission of a $23,000 grant application to the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) for Developmental Education Co-Requisite Instruction.

Authorized submission of a $13,000 grant application to the ICCB for Transitional English Instruction.

Authorized submission of a $4,500 reoccurring grant application to the Dollar General Literacy Foundation for Adult Education / GED Testing Fees.

Granted tenure for full-time faculty members: Justin Lewis, Joni Smith, Richard Gertz and Matthew Carey effective at the beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year.

Approved the Vice President of Instruction’s employment contract.

The next meeting will be held March 16, 2021, at 6 p.m. at JWCC’s Southeast Education Center, located at 39637 260th Ave., Pittsfield.

John Wood Community College is the educational link between business and community. JWCC collaboratively creates innovative and relevant academic and training programs with business leaders to educate young people and the workforce for today's needs and tomorrow's opportunities. JWCC has centers in Quincy, Pittsfield, Baylis and Mt. Sterling, Illinois. Programs include a comprehensive baccalaureate transfer curriculum, customized business training, career/technical degrees, certificates, and personal enrichment courses.