fingers on a key board


From writing press releases to creating and maintaining a positive public image for an organization, students learn the basics of communications from professors with corporate public relations experience. Interactive speech and film classes, as well as internships with local CBS, NBC, and ABC affiliates as early as freshman year, provide a solid foundation and preparation for transfer for a bachelor’s degree in communications. Career fields include:

  • Advertising
  • Marketing/sales
  • Editing/writing
  • Journalism
  • Market research analysis
  • Event planning
  • Multimedia art
  • Public relations
Student being video recorded

Career Opportunities

  • Advertising Sales Agent
  • Marketing Manager
  • Editor
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Event Planner
  • Multimedia Artist
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Sales Representative
  • Writer

A few top JWCC transfer schools

Collage of Various University Icons
Suggested Pathway for Communications (AA)
Do not use this degree plan as a substitute for an advisor. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
First Semester Details
ENG 101 Rhetoric and Composition I Details 3
An introductory course in writing at the college level with attention to skills needed at each stage of the writing process. Placement in ENG 101 presupposes competence in English grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling. IAI: C1 900.
Prerequisites: ENG 099 with a grade of "C" or above or appropriate placement score
CMN 101 Introduction to Speech I Details 3
An introduction to the basic principles of oral communication as applied to public speaking. The course emphasizes the mastery of oral communication skills through a variety of exercises in which the student speaks before the group. Involves analysis of such topics as preparation, organization, and delivery. IAI: C2 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
MAT 109 Elementary Statistics Details 3
A study of the collection and interpretation of statistical data. Specific topics include description of sample data, probability, probability distributions, sampling, estimation, testing hypotheses, correlation, and regression. IAI: M1 902.
Prerequisites: MAT 020 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
FYE 101 Blazing Your Trail Details 1
Directed to new students, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. This course also develops students' abilities, which will assist them with the complexities of college life.
Prerequisites: (none)
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology Details 3
Basic introduction to the major areas of psychology--the study of behavior and the mind. Areas of emphasis include human development, personality theory, learning, thinking, stress and motivation, mental illnesses, and biological and social aspects of behavior. Course will combine research with real life application throughout. IAI: S6 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
HUM 101 Introduction to Humanities Details 3
Study of human values, self-perceptions, and aspirations expressed in drama, film, music, literature, painting, sculpture, and architecture with an emphasis on history, techniques, meaning, and evaluation of individual works. IAI: HF 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
Second Semester Details
ENG 102 Rhetoric and Composition II Details 3
A continuation of ENG 101; provides further practice in writing at the college level for a variety of purposes and audiences, using both fixed and open or developing forms. Research paper required. IAI: C1 901R
Prerequisites: Completion of ENG 101 with a grade of "C" or above
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology Details 3
This course is an introduction to sociology as a way of understanding the world and how it applies to everyday life. Major theoretical perspectives and concepts are presented including socialization, culture, the social construction of knowledge, social control and deviance, inequality, race and ethnic relations, poverty, and the sociological imagination. IAI: S7 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
CMN 104 Interpersonal Communication Details 3
An introduction to the basic theories and concepts relevant to face-to-face interaction. Emphasis is placed on the role of communication in the creation, maintenance, and termination of social, romantic, familial, and professional relationships. IAI: MC 901
Prerequisites: (none)
BIO 101 General Biology Details 4
An introductory biology course that covers a breadth of biological concepts including biochemical pathways, molecular and cellular biology, the structure and function of organisms, genetics and heredity, evolution, ecology, and the importance of life science to society. In the laboratory setting, emphasis will be placed on utilizing the scientific process to arrive at evidence-based conclusions. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: L1 900L.
Prerequisites: MAT 010 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, or appropriate placement test score, or consent of department. Consent of JWCC Natural Sciences Department Chair is dependent upon the requesting student successfully passing an assessment (placement) exam for the particular prerequisite course. A passing BIO 101 placement exam score is 78 percent or above to opt out of the BIO 101 requirement. Otherwise, the student requesting acceptance into a course without completion of prerequisites must provide substantiated documentation of equivalent transfer credit to enroll in the course.
CMN 220 Mass Media Details 3
An overview of the nature, functions, and responsibilities of the mass communication industries in a global environment with an emphasis on the media's role in American society. IAI: MC 911.
Prerequisites: CMN 101 or consent of department
Third Semester Details
CMN 140 Intercultural Communication Details 3
Intercultural Communication
Prerequisites: (none)
HIS 121 U.S. History I Details 3
History of the United States from the early foundation of the republic to 1877. IAI: S2 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
Various SPN 101 / CHN 101 Details 4
Choose SPN 101 or CHN 101.
SPN 101 Elementary Spanish I Details 4
Fundamentals of grammar and pronunciation, with emphasis on reading, writing, and conversation. Also incorporates geography, customs, and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
CHN 101 Elementary Chinese I Details 4
This course provides an introduction to beginning Mandarin Chinese. The goal of this course is to develop communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading, and writing with emphasis on speaking skills. This course will introduce selected topics on traditional Chinese culture, current trends in China and Taiwan, as well as U.S. Interaction with China. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
ENG 130 Introduction to Film Details 3
This course introduces the basics of film production and analysis in order to help students understand and enjoy film as an art form. Students will be introduced to the formal elements of film production as well as fundamental principles of genre and narrative in order to understand how directors' decisions regarding these elements and principles create meaning.
Prerequisites: (none)
CMN 225 Audio/Video Communication & Production Details 3
This course lays the foundation for audio/video production for personal and professional uses. The course emphasizes the understanding and application of all audio/video production phases related to modern technology, equipment, platforms, and legal/ethical considerations. The course culminates in a final video project with the student engaged in all phases of the production process. 3 total hours with combination of lecture and lab.
Prerequisites: Any CMN 200-level course
Fourth Semester Details
ENG 191 Business Communication Details 3
This course instructs students in the techniques of composing effective business letters, memoranda, electronic communication, resumes and cover letters, and reports. It covers introductory business communication principles including intercultural communication, teamwork strategies, business etiquette, meeting strategies, business presentations, and employment communication.
Prerequisites: ENG 099 with a grade of "C" or above or appropriate placement score.
CMN 221 Introduction to Public Relations Details 3
An introductory course focused on the methodologies used by organizations to disseminate information and messages to and between their publics. Students will become familiar with various models and practices used in public relations, methods of creating and analyzing messages, and trending approaches used in engaging and analyzing publics. IAI: MC 913
Prerequisites: CMN 101 with a grade of C or better.
Various MUS 121 / MUS 102 / ART 115 / DRA 103 Details 3
Choose MUS 121, MUS 102, ART 115, or DRA 103.
MUS 121 Introduction to Music Literature Details 3
A study of the terminology, vocabulary and structure of music literature and style through the history and examination of selected composers and materials. IAI: F1 901.
Prerequisites: (none)
MUS 102 Music Appreciation Details 3
A non technical course designed for the non music major, to develop within the listener an appreciation for music. Includes brief historical background of music and the leading composers of various periods. IAI: F1 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
ART 115 Art Appreciation Details 3
Designed to expose/cultivate an awareness of art in our culture with some emphasis on contemporary times. IAI: F2 900
Prerequisites: (none)
DRA 103 Introduction to Theater Details 3
The broad concepts of the aesthetics and form of drama as evidenced in the living theater. Includes reading of plays and the study of dramaturgy with general discussion of elements of the play and theater. IAI: F1 907.
Prerequisites: (none)
HUM 200 The Art of Being Human Details 3
An interdisciplinary course that incorporates aspects of Western European, Far Eastern and Third World art, music, philosophy, religion, drama, and literature. The humanities are treated as a process leading to the enrichment of human experience. IAI: HF 901.
Prerequisites: (none)
Various SCI 100 / SCI 105 Details 4
Choose SCI 100 or SCI 105.
SCI 100 Environmental Geology Details 4
An introductory study of forces that continually shape the surface of the earth, including examination of geological formation processes and our impact on the environment. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. IAI: P1 905L.
Prerequisites: (none)
SCI 105 Weather and Climate Details 4
An elementary survey of the properties of the atmosphere and the principles that govern weather and climate change. Real-time weather data will be used to predict weather and historical data archives to study climate. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)