JWCC students interacting with young children

Early Childhood Education

Instruction by experts in early childhood education and a state-of-the-art early childhood lab provide a strong foundation for childcare workers and teachers. Practical experience is also gained from job shadowing beginning freshman year. Students learn to plan, organize, and implement activities to nurture the academic, social, and physical development of children from birth to pre-kindergarten. As an Illinois Gateways Entitled program* for Early Childhood Education and for Infants and Toddlers, students earn credentials to meet statewide standards; this status also facilitates transferring to Illinois four-year colleges to earn a bachelor’s degree.

Children creating art with markers and paint

Career Opportunities

  • Teacher
  • Child Care Administrator/Director
  • Nanny
  • EC Aide
  • Preschool Instructor
  • Licensed Day Care Provider
Suggested Pathway for Early Childhood Education (AAS)
Do not use this degree plan as a substitute for an advisor. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
First Semester Details
ECE 102 Foundations of Early Childhood Education Details 3
An introduction to early childhood education philosophies and methods. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of planning developmentally appropriate interactions and techniques. Topics of study include age-appropriate methodology, guiding in today’s changing world.
Prerequisites: (none)
ECE 124 Health & Safety for Young Children Details 3
Introduction to the health, safety, and nutritional needs of young children. Topics include eating habits, menu planning, safe food storage and handling, recognizing common health concerns, creating a safe environment, and principles of child first aid and CPR for infants and children.
Prerequisites: (none)
ECE 104 Child Growth and Development Details 3
A foundation course in theory and principles of the developmental continuum, including an in-depth study of physical, social/emotional, cognitive, language, and aesthetic development; an examination of current research and major developmental theories; an exploration of child development within a socio-cultural context, such as gender, family, race, ethnicity, language, ability, socio-economics, religion, and society; an emphasis on the implications for early childhood professional practice. IAI: ECE 912
Prerequisites: (none)
ECE 150 Caring for Infants and Toddlers Details 3
Study of the specialized needs of infants and toddlers, including the development of routines and environments that promote effective cognitive, motor and language development. Emphasis is placed on providing appropriate care, stimulating environments, and assessing the needs of infants and toddlers. Cultural and social diversity and the creation of partnerships with families and childcare facilities are integrated throughout the course.
Prerequisites: (none)
ENG 101 Rhetoric and Composition I Details 3
An introductory course in writing at the college level with attention to skills needed at each stage of the writing process. Placement in ENG 101 presupposes competence in English grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling. IAI: C1 900.
Prerequisites: ENG 099 with a grade of "C" or above or appropriate placement score
FYE 101 Blazing Your Trail Details 1
Directed to new students, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. This course also develops students' abilities, which will assist them with the complexities of college life.
Prerequisites: (none)
Second Semester Details
CMN 101 Introduction to Speech I Details 3
An introduction to the basic principles of oral communication as applied to public speaking. The course emphasizes the mastery of oral communication skills through a variety of exercises in which the student speaks before the group. Involves analysis of such topics as preparation, organization, and delivery. IAI: C2 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
ECE 135 Guidance of the Young Child Details 3
This course will examine research and theory related to social and emotional development in young children. Students will explore teaching methods with an emphasis on positive guidance, family engagement, cultural competence and designing appropriate environments. This course requires three 1½ hour observations at a licensed childcare center or kindergarten classroom.
Prerequisites: (none)
ECE 171 Child, Family and Community Details 3
This course focuses on the diverse needs of the child within the context of family, school, and community. The course will examine the interplay of diverse cultures, lifestyles, abilities, language, and communication with the role of the early childhood environment and other community institutions. Students will gain an understanding of their professional role in supporting evidence-based practices that strengthen respectful, collaborative family/child partnerships through effective use of community and family resources. IAI: ECE 915
Prerequisites: (none)
Various ECE 245 / ECE 265 Details 3
ECE 245 or ECE 265
ECE 245 STEM in Early Childhood Details 3
This course focuses on the importance of math and science for early childhood and early elementary education programs. Emphasis will be on the techniques that provide engaging math and science experiences, while providing an organized, sequential approach to creating a developmentally appropriate math.
Prerequisites: (none)
ECE 265 Infant and Toddler Curriculum Details 3
Study of the skills necessary to provide high-quality care for infants and toddlers n the educational setting. Current theories, research, and standards for teacher preparation will be measured. Appropriate caregiving and educational techniques, along with curriculum methods for groups of young children will be introduced.
Prerequisites: (none)
Various SOC / PSY Elective Details 3
Sociology or Psychology Elective
Prerequisites: (none)
Third Semester Details
EDU 205 Educating Exceptional Children Details 3
This survey course provides an overview of educational and evidence-based strategies supporting children with exceptional cognitive, social, physical, and emotional needs. Identification, intervention strategies, methods, and programs to meet the needs of children are presented. Study of applicable federal and state laws and requirements conducted, including: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Individualized Family Service Plan, Individualized Education Programs, and inclusive programming. Fulfills requirements of School Code 25.25. IAI: ECE 913
Prerequisites: (none)
ECE 215 Observation & Assessment in EC Details 3
Students will learn the methods of authentic, alternative classroom-based assessment with young children. Opportunity given to gain knowledge and skills to observe, interpret and use information to respond to and support children’s learning and development. Typical and atypical children will be studied and evaluated. Child observation is required.
Prerequisites: EDU 102 or EDU 202 or consent of department
ECE 260 Curriculum for Early Childhood Programs Details 3
Philosophy, principles, and methods for planning and implementing an educationally and developmentally age-appropriate program for young children from infancy through eight years of age. Students will develop effective approaches to promote learning and assessment, family and community relationships, and creative interdisciplinary environments.
Prerequisites: EDU 102 or EDU 202 or consent of department
ECE 287 Infant-Toddler Seminar Details 1
This seminar explores infant/toddler development, focusing on the theoretical frameworks, empirical research, and practical applications relevant to educators, caregivers, and professionals working with infants and toddlers. Participants will explore key topics such as cognitive, social-emotional, language, and physical development. Through interactive discussions, case studies, and hands-on activities, participants will critically analyze current research findings, examine best practices in infant/toddler education and care, and reflect on their own beliefs and practices. Special attention will be given to understanding diverse perspectives, addressing individual differences, and fostering inclusive environments that support the holistic development of every child. By the end of the seminar, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of infant/toddler development and be equipped with practical strategies to promote positive outcomes for infants and toddlers in various settings.
Prerequisites: Completion or co-enrollment in all required early childhood education courses or consent of the department. Co-enrollment in EDU 288 Infant-Toddler Practicum.
ECE 288 Infant-Toddler Practicum Details 1
This course is an integration of knowledge gained in the infant toddler curriculum through supervised practical experience in the field of child care. Students are expected to demonstrate competency in a broad range of duties associated with the occupations represented by the cooperating programs. Upon successful completion of this class, students will gain a solid range of experience needed to earn credentials needed for professional development of skills in the early childhood field.
Prerequisites: Completion or co-enrollment in all required early childhood education courses or consent of the department. Co-enrollment in EDU 287 Infant-Toddler Seminar.
Various MAT Gen. Ed. Requirements (AAS) Details 3
AAS degree-seeking students must select at least one course from the listed classes.
MAT 100 Technical Mathematics Details 3
A course designed to cover mathematical processes and problems that relate to career, technical and workforce applications. Specific topics include fractions; decimals, ratio, proportion and percentage; measurements; and area and volume.
Prerequisites: (none)
MAT 109 Elementary Statistics Details 3
A study of the collection and interpretation of statistical data. Specific topics include description of sample data, probability, probability distributions, sampling, estimation, testing hypotheses, correlation, and regression. IAI: M1 902.
Prerequisites: MAT 020 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
MAT 113 College Algebra Details 3
This course is intended for students who plan to continue their college mathematics education or to meet college transfer requirements. Topics include advanced factoring of higher order polynomials; solving quadratic inequalities; advanced topics in relations, functions and their graphs; zeroes and graphs of polynomial and rational functions; and exponential and logarithmic functions.
Prerequisites: MAT 020 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
MAT 114 Trigonometry Details 3
This course is intended for students who plan to continue their college mathematics education or to meet college transfer requirements. It is the study and analysis of the sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent function; show these functions are used to solve many types of problems involving the sides and angles of triangles; and how these functions are used to solve many types of problems involving cyclic patterns, some that vary with time. Topics include definitions, properties and manipulation of trigonometric functions; applications of trigonometric functions; analytic trigonometry; trigonometric form of complex numbers; and polar coordinates, equations and graphs.
Prerequisites: MAT 020 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
MAT 220 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I Details 4
A course designed to introduce the concepts of derivative and integral to the student interested in pursuing degrees related to engineering, science or mathematics. Specific topics include functions and graphs; slopes and rates of change; limit theory and continuous functions; formal differentiation; application of differentiation; integration; and applications of integration. IAI: M1 900-1, MTH 901.
Prerequisites: MAT 113 and MAT 114 with grades of "C" or above within one academic year, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
MAT 234 Calculus for Social Scientists Details 4
A course designed to introduce the business and social science student to the concepts of derivative and integral. Applications of these concepts stress the use of calculus to solve business and social science problems. Specific topics include relations and functions; algebraic functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; derivatives; applications of derivatives; advanced derivative techniques; integrals; advanced integration techniques. IAI: M1 900B.
Prerequisites: MAT 113 with a grade of "C" or above within one academic year, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
Fourth Semester Details
ECE 251 Child Care Administration Details 3
This course introduces the student to the principles and practices of establishing and/or administering a child care program. The student will focus on administrative techniques in such areas as finances, purchasing, personnel management, client policies, regulatory agencies, and public relations.
Prerequisites: EDU 102 or consent of department
Various General Education Requirement Details 3
Any course that falls under John Wood Community College's list of approved General Education courses for communications, natural science, mathematics, humanities, or social & behavioral science may be taken. Students should always discuss with their advisor which general education course would be best for to them to take to best achieve their particular goals.
Prerequisites: Varies by course
ECE 255 Language & Literacy in EC Details 3
Examine the purpose, scope, sequence, material, and methodology of teaching language and literacy in the early childhood setting. Address how children acquire any young children about language, literature, pre-reading, reading, and writing.
Prerequisites: (none)
ECE 297 Early Childhood Seminar Details 2
This seminar explores early childhood development, focusing on the theoretical frameworks, empirical research, and practical applications relevant to educators, caregivers, and professionals working with young children. Participants will explore key early childhood topics such as cognitive, social-emotional, language, and physical development. Through Interactive discussions, case studies, and hands-on activities, participants will critically analyze current research findings, examine best practices in early childhood education and care, and reflect on their own beliefs and practices. Special attention will be given to understanding diverse perspectives, addressing individual differences, and fostering Inclusive environments that support the holistic development of every child. By the end of the seminar, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of early childhood development and be equipped with practical strategies to promote positive outcomes for young children in various settings.
Prerequisites: Completion or co-enrollment in all required early childhood education courses or consent of the department. Co-enrollment in EDU 298 Early Childhood Practicum.
ECE 298 Early Childhood Education Practicum Details 2
This course is an integration of knowledge gained in the child care curriculum through supervised practical experience in the field of child care. Students are expected to demonstrate competency in a broad range of duties associated with the occupations represented by the cooperating agencies and/or schools. Upon successful completion of this class, students will gain a solid range of experience needed to earn credentials needed for professional development of skills in the childcare industry.
Prerequisites: Completion or co-enrollment in all required early childhood education courses or consent of department. Co-enrollment in EDU 297 Early Childhood Seminar.