instructor teaching on drop down screen


The physics program gives student a survey of the fundamental physical concepts, including the basic laws governing phenomena such as gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear interaction. The curriculum is enhanced through the use of microcomputer-based laboratories. Students who earn the associate degree in physics are prepared to transfer to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor’s degree.

two male students in a college lab

Career Opportunities

  • Biochemist
  • Biophysicist
  • Material Scientist
  • Computer and Information Research Scientist
  • Geoscientist
  • Nuclear Engineer
  • Post-secondary Teacher
  • Nuclear Physicist

A few top JWCC transfer schools

Collage of Various University Icons
Suggested Pathway for Physics (AS)
Do not use this degree plan as a substitute for an advisor. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
First Semester Details
CHM 103 Principles of Chemistry I Details 4
Comprehensive coverage of the basic principles of chemistry including bonding, nomenclature, reactions, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, kinetics and equilibrium. Designed for pre-med, pre-pharmacy, engineering and science majors with above-average mathematical and scientific backgrounds. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: P1 902L, CHM 911.
Prerequisites: MAT 113 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, or appropriate placement test score, or consent of department; Students who have taken high school chemistry will have an advantage
BIO 101 General Biology Details 4
An introductory biology course that covers a breadth of biological concepts including biochemical pathways, molecular and cellular biology, the structure and function of organisms, genetics and heredity, evolution, ecology, and the importance of life science to society. In the laboratory setting, emphasis will be placed on utilizing the scientific process to arrive at evidence-based conclusions. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: L1 900L.
Prerequisites: MAT 010 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, or appropriate placement test score, or consent of department. Consent of JWCC Natural Sciences Department Chair is dependent upon the requesting student successfully passing an assessment (placement) exam for the particular prerequisite course. A passing BIO 101 placement exam score is 78 percent or above to opt out of the BIO 101 requirement. Otherwise, the student requesting acceptance into a course without completion of prerequisites must provide substantiated documentation of equivalent transfer credit to enroll in the course.
MAT 220 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I Details 4
A course designed to introduce the concepts of derivative and integral to the student interested in pursuing degrees related to engineering, science or mathematics. Specific topics include functions and graphs; slopes and rates of change; limit theory and continuous functions; formal differentiation; application of differentiation; integration; and applications of integration. IAI: M1 900-1, MTH 901.
Prerequisites: MAT 113 and MAT 114 with grades of "C" or above within one academic year, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
ENG 101 Rhetoric and Composition I Details 3
An introductory course in writing at the college level with attention to skills needed at each stage of the writing process. Placement in ENG 101 presupposes competence in English grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling. IAI: C1 900.
Prerequisites: ENG 099 with a grade of "C" or above or appropriate placement score
FYE 101 Blazing Your Trail Details 1
Directed to new students, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. This course also develops students' abilities, which will assist them with the complexities of college life.
Prerequisites: (none)
Second Semester Details
CHM 104 Principles of Chemistry II Details 4
Continued comprehensive coverage of the basic principles of chemistry including atomic structure, covalent bonding, molecular structure, properties of gases, liquids, solids, and solutions, acid-base chemistry, oxidation-reduction reactions, and electrochemistry. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: CHM 912.
Prerequisites: CHM 103
PHY 227 Principles of Physics I Details 5
First of the two-semester calculus-based physics sequence, this course is for engineering and science majors. A thorough coverage of the fundamental principles of physics, including kinematics; Newton's Laws; work and energy; conservation of linear momentum; angular momentum; rotational dynamics; and harmonic motion. 4 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: PHY 911
Prerequisites: MAT 220; Advanced high school physics recommended
MAT 221 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II Details 4
A course designed to extend the concepts of derivative and integral to transcendental functions and to introduce advanced methods of integration. Specific topics include derivatives and integrals of transcendental functions; advanced integration methods; infinite series; introduction to differential equations; polar graphs and calculus of polar curves. IAI: M1 900-2, MTH 902.
Prerequisites: MAT 220 with a grade of "C" or above within one academic year or consent of department
ENG 102 Rhetoric and Composition II Details 3
A continuation of ENG 101; provides further practice in writing at the college level for a variety of purposes and audiences, using both fixed and open or developing forms. Research paper required. IAI: C1 901R
Prerequisites: Completion of ENG 101 with a grade of "C" or above
Third Semester Details
PHY 228 Principles of Physics II Details 5
Continuation of the two-semester calculus-based physics sequence. This course is for engineering and science majors. A thorough coverage of the fundamental principles of physics, including electricity, charge, electric field and potential, resistance, capacitance and inductance, DC and AC circuits, magnetic field, Gauss's Law, Ampere's Law, and Maxwell's Equations, and electromagnetic waves. 4 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: PHY 912
Prerequisites: MAT 221, PHY 227
EGR 203 Engineering Mechanics: Statics Details 3
This course teaches basic theory of engineering mechanics using calculus, involving the description of forces, movements, and couples acting on stationary engineering structures, equilibrium in two and three dimensions, free-body diagrams, friction, centroids, centers of gravity, and moments of inertia. IAI: EGR 942.
Prerequisites: PHY 227
MAT 222 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III Details 4
A course designed to extend previously learned calculus concepts to three-dimensional space. Topics include vectors; vector functions and motion; surfaces, coordinate systems and drawing; derivatives of functions of two or more variables; applications of partial derivatives; multiple integration and integration in vector fields. IAI: M1 900-3, MTH 903.
Prerequisites: MAT 221 with a grade of "C" or above within one academic year or consent of department
CMN 101 Introduction to Speech I Details 3
An introduction to the basic principles of oral communication as applied to public speaking. The course emphasizes the mastery of oral communication skills through a variety of exercises in which the student speaks before the group. Involves analysis of such topics as preparation, organization, and delivery. IAI: C2 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology Details 3
Basic introduction to the major areas of psychology--the study of behavior and the mind. Areas of emphasis include human development, personality theory, learning, thinking, stress and motivation, mental illnesses, and biological and social aspects of behavior. Course will combine research with real life application throughout. IAI: S6 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
Fourth Semester Details
EGR 204 Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics Details 3
This course teaches basic theory of engineering mechanics using calculus, involving the motion of particles, rigid bodies, and systems of particles, Newton's Laws, work and energy relationships, principles of impulse and momentum to the solution of engineering problems. IAI: EGR 943
Prerequisites: EGR 203
PHL 111 Introduction to Critical Thinking Details 3
A study of the rules of valid judging and reasoning, both inductive and deductive, in a traditional, language-centered context rather than a symbolic context. Logical analysis of both formal and informal fallacies and of the consistency and logical consequences of a given set of statements is included. IAI: H4 906
Prerequisites: (none)
Various MUS 102 / MUS 121 Details 3
MUS 102 or MUS 121.
MUS 102 Music Appreciation Details 3
A non technical course designed for the non music major, to develop within the listener an appreciation for music. Includes brief historical background of music and the leading composers of various periods. IAI: F1 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
MUS 121 Introduction to Music Literature Details 3
A study of the terminology, vocabulary and structure of music literature and style through the history and examination of selected composers and materials. IAI: F1 901.
Prerequisites: (none)
Various PSC 101 / ECO 101 Details 3
PSC 101 or ECO 101
PSC 101 American Government Details 3
Fundamentals of federal, state and local governments with emphasis on national government, including the Constitution of the United States. IAI: S5 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
ECO 101 Principles of Macroeconomics Details 3
Introduction to the major areas of modern economic theory and public policy, including fiscal policy, international trade and finance, economic growth and development, and contemporary macro-economic problems. IAI: S3 901.
Prerequisites: (none)
Various Electives Details 2
Any credit-based course may be taken to fulfill this requirement. Students should always discuss with their advisor which electives would be best for them to take to best achieve his or her particular goals.
Prerequisites: Varies by course