ENG 101 |
Rhetoric and Composition I |
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3 |
An introductory course in writing at the college level with attention to skills needed at each stage of the writing process. Placement in ENG 101 presupposes competence in English grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling. IAI: C1 900. |
Prerequisites: |
ENG 099 with a grade of "C" or above or appropriate placement score |
FYE 101 |
Blazing Your Trail |
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1 |
Directed to new students, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. This course also develops students' abilities, which will assist them with the complexities of college life. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
MUS 131 |
Music Theory/Ear Training I |
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4 |
A study of the elements of melody and harmony. Special emphasis is placed on music notation fundamentals, reading, writing, and aural skills. This course is intended for students seeking a degree in music; however, others may enroll with consent of instructor. 2 lecture hours, 4 lab hours. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
Various |
MUS 151-168 Music Ensemble Act (Associate in Fine Arts Degree) |
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1 |
Band, chorus, vocal show. (May be repeated for credit in the same activity.) Only four semester hours in activity courses from music, physical education, and theater production, combined, may apply toward graduation. |
MUS 151 |
Band |
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1 |
Membership is open to all JWCC students who show sufficient experience in instrumental music. The band performs both on and off campus. 0 lecture hours, 3 lab hours. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
MUS 165 |
Chorus |
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1 |
Membership is open to all JWCC students. The chorus performs several major concerts as well as performing at selected college functions. 0 lecture hours, 3 lab hours. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
MUS 168 |
Vocal Show Ensemble |
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1 |
Singers are selected from the chorus and concert choir. Instrumentalists need not be members of the aforementioned ensembles. The Vocal Show Ensemble performs a wide variety of literature ranging from Renaissance to modern jazz and pop. 0 lecture hours, 3 lab hours. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
Various |
MUS 170-182 Applied Lessons (Associate in Fine Arts Degree) |
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2 |
Private music lessons are available in voice, piano, brass instruments, woodwind instruments, percussion instruments and string instruments. Each course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
MUS 170 |
Applied Music - Voice I |
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0.5-2 (Varies) |
Private music lessons in voice. This course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
Prerequisites: |
Consent of department. |
MUS 171 |
Applied Music - Piano I |
Details |
0.5-2 (Varies) |
Private music lessons in piano. This course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
Prerequisites: |
Consent of department. |
MUS 172 |
Applied Music - Organ I |
Details |
0.5-2 (Varies) |
Private music lessons in organ. This course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
Prerequisites: |
Consent of department. |
MUS 175 |
Applied Music - Woodwinds I |
Details |
0.5-2 (Varies) |
Private music lessons in woodwinds. This course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
Prerequisites: |
Consent of department. |
MUS 176 |
Applied Music - Woodwinds II |
Details |
0.5-2 (Varies) |
Private music lessons in woodwinds. This course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
Prerequisites: |
Consent of department. |
MUS 177 |
Applied Music - Brass I |
Details |
0.5-2 (Varies) |
Private music lessons in brass. This course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
Prerequisites: |
Consent of department. |
MUS 178 |
Applied Music - Brass II |
Details |
0.5-2 (Varies) |
Private music lessons in brass. This course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
Prerequisites: |
Consent of department. |
MUS 179 |
Applied Music - Percussion I |
Details |
0.5-2 (Varies) |
Private music lessons in percussion. This course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
Prerequisites: |
Consent of department. |
MUS 180 |
Applied Music - Percussion II |
Details |
0.5-2 (Varies) |
Private music lessons in percussion. This course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
Prerequisites: |
Consent of department. |
MUS 181 |
Applied Music - Strings I |
Details |
0.5-2 (Varies) |
Private music lessons in strings. This course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
Prerequisites: |
Consent of department. |
MUS 182 |
Applied Music - Guitar I |
Details |
0.5-2 (Varies) |
Private music lessons in guitar. This course is repeatable 1 time. A special lab fee applies. |
Prerequisites: |
Consent of department. |
MUS 188 |
Class Piano, Level I |
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1 |
Beginning class piano instruction for music majors and non-majors. Assumes no previous keyboard experience. 0 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
Various |
PSY 101 / SOC 101 |
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3 |
Choose PSY 101 or SOC 101. |
PSY 101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
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3 |
Basic introduction to the major areas of psychology--the study of behavior and the mind. Areas of emphasis include human development, personality theory, learning, thinking, stress and motivation, mental illnesses, and biological and social aspects of behavior. Course will combine research with real life application throughout. IAI: S6 900. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
SOC 101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
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3 |
This course is an introduction to sociology as a way of understanding the world and how it applies to everyday life. Major theoretical perspectives and concepts are presented including socialization, culture, the social construction of knowledge, social control and deviance, inequality, race and ethnic relations, poverty, and the sociological imagination. IAI: S7 900. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |