Nursing students at an IV pump

Medical Assistant

This certificate program prepares multi-skilled professionals to work in healthcare settings performing administrative and clinical duties such as explaining procedures, taking lab specimens, removing sutures, and changing dressings. JWCC’s one-year program includes classroom, laboratory, and computer experience, as well as a practicum in an ambulatory care clinic. This program may be taken on a part-time basis. After earning a medical assisting certificate, graduates are eligible to take the nationally-recognized Certified Medical Assistant exam.

Career Opportunities

  • Medical Assistant in clinics
  • Rural healthcare settings

Logo for the Path Grant - Pipeline for the Advancement of the Healthcare Workforce

The PATH program, funded through an Illinois Community College Board grant, aims to serve, create, support and expand the opportunities for individuals in nursing and select health care pathways to obtain certificates and degrees, allowing them to enter and/or advance their careers in the health care industry.

The PATH grant provides free short-term and long-term education/training programs designed to help participants gain employment in high-wage and in-demand occupations within the health care field. Students receive supports, including compensation to help cover basic costs while receiving the training.

More information on the PATH Program

Suggested Pathway for Medical Assistant Certificate
Do not use this degree plan as a substitute for an advisor. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
First Semester Details
FYE 101 Blazing Your Trail Details 1
Directed to new students, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. This course also develops students' abilities, which will assist them with the complexities of college life.
Prerequisites: (none)
HSC 108 Clinical Medical Assisting I Details 2
The Course introduces students to procedures commonly performed in the health care setting with special attention to patient centered care, evidence based practice, and safety. Specific competencies in this introductory course include infection control, vital signs, electrocardiography, phlebotomy, and clinical laboratory skills. 4 lab hours.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Medical Assistant program; OFT 281 with a grade of "C" or better
HSC 175 Basic Human Structure & Function Details 3
In this course, students are taught the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Topics include the various body systems, structures, cells, and tissues and the principles of homeostasis. Students are introduced to the organization and structure of the human body. You will also learn about various disease processes, disease etiology, symptoms, diagnostic tests, therapeutic methods, and disease prognosis.
Prerequisites: (none)
OFT 101 Beginning Keyboarding Details 2
This course is intended to provide students with the ability to operate a standard keyboard rapidly and accurately using the touch method and build basic key boarding skill.
Prerequisites: (none)
OFT 170 Administrative Medical Office I Details 4
This course is designed to teach the concepts and procedures associated with entry-level medical office administrative positions. Students will learn basic medical terms, customer service techniques, Microsoft Office tasks, Electronic Health Record (EHR) system functionality and data privacy requirements.
Prerequisites: (none)
OFT 281 Medical Terminology Details 3
Teaches medical language of prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms. Students will learn to pronounce and spell medical terms and also learn how to combine prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms to describe a medical term. Course utilizes a body system approach focusing upon specific body systems and providing a brief overview of anatomy and physiology, pathology, word roots, related terms, and special procedures with emphasis on building a working medical vocabulary based on body systems.
Prerequisites: (none)
Second Semester Details
CMN 101 Introduction to Speech I Details 3
An introduction to the basic principles of oral communication as applied to public speaking. The course emphasizes the mastery of oral communication skills through a variety of exercises in which the student speaks before the group. Involves analysis of such topics as preparation, organization, and delivery. IAI: C2 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
HSC 128 Clinical Medical Assisting II Details 2
The Course is a continuation of HSC 108, continuing to introduce students to procedures commonly performed in the health care setting with special attention to patient centered care, evidence based practice, and safety. Specific competencies in this course include rooming of patients and assisting the provider in procedures, principles of asepsis and wound care, and medication administration. 4 lab hours.
Prerequisites: HSC 108 and admission to the Medical Assistant program
OFT 171 Administrative Medical Office II Details 2
This course is a continuation of Administrative Medical Office I and is focused on administrative duties required for medical assistants. Students will be introduced to the responsibilities of medical assistants, safety in the medical office, patient education, and the role of the medical assistant as a patient navigator. Students will review EMR functionality and patient schedule management. 1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: OFT 170 with a grade of "C" or above.
OFT 185 Medical Insurance & Coding Details 3
This course provides an overview of medical insurance, medical claims, and coding requirements and procedures. Topics include government and third-party insurance plans, coding systems, and claims form processing.
Prerequisites: (none)
OFT 260 Customer Service Details 3
This course prepares students to meet and exceed customer service expectations of both internal and external customers. The course addresses attitude and personal approach with customers; resolution of customer conflicts and complaints; importance of nonverbal communication and listening skills; appropriate telephone, online and written communication; professionalism; and stress and time management.
Prerequisites: (none)
OFT 283 Pharmacology for the Medical Office Details 3
Students are introduced to the mechanisms of actions of drugs so that there is an understanding of why drugs must be dispensed in certain ways. Groupings of most-used drugs into categories provide a basis for understanding basic pharmaceutical concepts.
Prerequisites: OFT 281 and appropriate math placement score
Third Semester Details
HSC 189 Medical Law & Ethics Details 3
This course introduces the student to principles of medical law, medical ethics, and bioethics. It will emphasize terminology, regulations, and the function of the law and ethical issues as they apply to the medical environment.
Prerequisites: (none)
HSC 199 Ambulatory Practicum Details 3
This practicum course provides the student with 180 hours of clinical/practical experience in an ambulatory facility. There will be guided, evaluated opportunities to perform the various clinical, laboratory, and administrative skills of the health care assistant. Students will be able to demonstrate the competencies learned in the classroom and skills lab in the practical setting. Incorporated into this course are regularly scheduled meetings to review what externs have learned, as well as discuss concerns and successes. This will give students an opportunity to learn from one another and strengthen their soft skills.
Prerequisites: HSC 108 & HSC 128

Gainful Employment: For more information about graduation rates, cost, the median debt of students who complete the program, and other information, please view our Gainful Employment information for the particular certificate of study.