Nurses holding medical equipment

Registered Nurse (RN)

Become a Registered Nurse (RN)

Nurses will always be in high demand! Our extensive program will prepare you for a career in nursing, get hired, and start a better life.

  • Average Illinois RN salary: $78,260 ($37.63/hr)
  • High job placement 
  • Illinois RN employment growth (2018-2028): 12.4%
  • Educational funding, loan forgiveness, and sign on bonuses are available from local employers

Associate degree in nursing (ADN) program options:

  • Take the NCLEX exam to become an RN
  • 2 year Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)
    • 2nd year is taken through BRCN
  • 1 year Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) → Registered Nurse (RN)
    LPNs looking to advance their career
  • 3+1 bachelor’s degree in nursing
    After completing an associate degree, nurses can complete their bachelor’s in nursing with one additional year at Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Logo for the Path Grant - Pipeline for the Advancement of the Healthcare Workforce

The PATH program, funded through an Illinois Community College Board grant, aims to serve, create, support and expand the opportunities for individuals in nursing and select health care pathways to obtain certificates and degrees, allowing them to enter and/or advance their careers in the health care industry.

The PATH grant provides free short-term and long-term education/training programs designed to help participants gain employment in high-wage and in-demand occupations within the health care field. Students receive supports, including compensation to help cover basic costs while receiving the training.

More information on the PATH Program


Admission Criteria

  1. Applicant must first apply and be accepted to John Wood Community College prior to applying to the JWCC ADN program.
  2. To be considered for, and to progress through, the ADN program, a student must maintain a minimum JWCC cumulative GPA of 2.7, as well as a 2.7 GPA in required science/support courses (BIO 275, BIO 276, BIO 293, MAT 109, PSY 101 and PSY 233). Coursework may be repeated one time to meet minimum standards.
  3. The following courses must be completed with a C or better in order to apply to the ADN program in this application cycle:
    1. BIO 101 General Biology
    2. ENG 101 Rhetoric & Composition I
    3. MAT 109 Elementary Statistics
    4. PSY 101 Intro to Psychology
  4. The applicant must have completed or be enrolled in BIO 275 Human Anatomy & Physiology I at the time of application.
  5. The following courses must be completed prior to the start of NUR 108:
    1. BIO 275 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
    2. BIO 276 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
    3. PSY 233 Developmental Psychology
  6. The following course must be completed prior to the start of NUR 148: BIO 293 Microbiology.
  7. The following course must be completed prior to the start of NUR 203: CMN 101 Introduction to Speech.
  8. Upon the September 15 and February 15 application dates, applicants without a minimum ACT score of 22, or a minimum SAT score of 1070 (ACT/SAT is NOT REQUIRED) within the past five years will be invited to take the HESI A2 Admissions Assessment Test. This computerized test will be given on the JWCC Campus. Applicants will be scheduled for a specific date and time to test. A Reading, Math and Composite score of 78% is required for entry into the program. Scores are valid for one calendar year; students are allowed two attempts to meet the required score with each applications cycle. If you would like to submit previous HESI scores for consideration, please attach to this application. Scores over one year old will not be considered. The applicant is responsible for all testing fees; testing fees are nonrefundable.
  9. Community LPNs are required to meet above admission criteria, as well as include their current LPN license and proof of employment as an LPN for at least 6 of the previous 12-month period.
  10. Admission into the JWCC Nursing program is contingent on the applicant meeting all prerequisite criteria, as well as maintaining a minimum 2.7 GPA in required science/support courses, a 2.7 Nursing GPA and a JWCC cumulative 2.7 GPA.

Eligibility for admission to the ADN program does not guarantee admission. After the initial review, applicants will receive written notification of their status within the application process.

Suggested Pathway for Associate Degree in Nursing
Do not use this degree plan as a substitute for an advisor. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
BIO 101 General Biology Details 4
An introductory biology course that covers a breadth of biological concepts including biochemical pathways, molecular and cellular biology, the structure and function of organisms, genetics and heredity, evolution, ecology, and the importance of life science to society. In the laboratory setting, emphasis will be placed on utilizing the scientific process to arrive at evidence-based conclusions. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: L1 900L.
Prerequisites: MAT 010 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, or appropriate placement test score, or consent of department. Consent of JWCC Natural Sciences Department Chair is dependent upon the requesting student successfully passing an assessment (placement) exam for the particular prerequisite course. A passing BIO 101 placement exam score is 78 percent or above to opt out of the BIO 101 requirement. Otherwise, the student requesting acceptance into a course without completion of prerequisites must provide substantiated documentation of equivalent transfer credit to enroll in the course.
BIO 275 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Details 4
A study of the structures and functions of the human body; an integrated study of the systems of the human body including gross and microscopic structures and their physiology. Course covers cells, tissues, chemistry of life, metabolism and the systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, digestive and urinary. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: BIO 101 with a grade of "C" or above or ACT science score of 25 or higher or consent of department via a minimum BIO 101 placement exam score. Prerequisite must be met within 10 years prior to enrolling in BIO 275. Consent of JWCC Natural Sciences Department Chair is dependent upon the requesting student successfully passing an assessment (placement) exam for the particular prerequisite course. A passing BIO 101 placement exam score is 78 percent or above to opt out of the BIO 101 requirement. Otherwise, the student requesting acceptance into a course without completion of prerequisites must provide substantiated documentation of equivalent transfer credit to enroll in the course.
BIO 276 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Details 4
A continuation of BIO 275. Emphasis is on more depth in the physiology of various body systems including the central and peripheral nervous systems, sensory organs, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, male and female reproductive and human development. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: BIO 275 with a grade of "C" or above or consent of department
BIO 293 Microbiology Details 4
Introduces characteristics, actions and control of microorganisms with emphasis on their relation to health and disease. The application of the principles of microbial control and laboratory techniques will be stressed. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: BIO 101 with a grade of "C" or above or ACT science score of 25 or higher or consent of department via a minimum BIO 101 placement exam score. Consent of JWCC Natural Sciences Department Chair is dependent upon the requesting student successfully passing an assessment (placement) exam for the particular prerequisite course. A passing BIO 101 placement exam score is 78 percent or above to opt out of the BIO 101 requirement. Otherwise, the student requesting acceptance into a course without completion of prerequisites must provide substantiated documentation of equivalent transfer credit to enroll in the course.
CMN 101 Introduction to Speech I Details 3
An introduction to the basic principles of oral communication as applied to public speaking. The course emphasizes the mastery of oral communication skills through a variety of exercises in which the student speaks before the group. Involves analysis of such topics as preparation, organization, and delivery. IAI: C2 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
ENG 101 Rhetoric and Composition I Details 3
An introductory course in writing at the college level with attention to skills needed at each stage of the writing process. Placement in ENG 101 presupposes competence in English grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling. IAI: C1 900.
Prerequisites: ENG 099 with a grade of "C" or above or appropriate placement score
MAT 109 Elementary Statistics Details 3
A study of the collection and interpretation of statistical data. Specific topics include description of sample data, probability, probability distributions, sampling, estimation, testing hypotheses, correlation, and regression. IAI: M1 902.
Prerequisites: MAT 020 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology Details 3
Basic introduction to the major areas of psychology--the study of behavior and the mind. Areas of emphasis include human development, personality theory, learning, thinking, stress and motivation, mental illnesses, and biological and social aspects of behavior. Course will combine research with real life application throughout. IAI: S6 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
PSY 233 Developmental Psychology Details 3
A study of human development from conception across the life span to death. Attention will be given to physical, cognitive, emotional and social aspects of development. IAI: S6 902.
Prerequisites: PSY 101
First Year - Semester 1* Details
NUR 108 Fundamentals I Details 4
Fundamentals I is a basic foundational nursing course which introduces students to the fundamental knowledge of person, health, environment and nursing. The course focuses on concepts including the nursing process, basic nursing care, therapeutic communication, collaboration, comfort, infection control, mobility, nutrition, sensory perception, diversity, spirituality and safety. Students will gain cognitive, technical and interpersonal skills in theory and lab experiences necessary for the practice of nursing. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: Admission to the ADN-RN program
NUR 118 Physical Assessment Details 1
This course provides a systematic method for conducting a physical examination of the adult client. Students are introduced to assessment methods and devices used to collect data. Physiologic, social and cultural aspects of assessment are also introduced. Both normal and abnormal assessment findings will be discussed. Students will also learn correct documentation of findings. 0.5 lecture hours, 1 lab hour.
Prerequisites: Admission to the ADN-RN program
NUR 128 Fundamentals II Details 5
This course focuses on basic alterations in major body systems. Concepts covered include acid-base balance, fluid and electrolytes, oxygenation, inflammation/infection, metabolism, perfusion, elimination, musculoskeletal function, thermoregulation, tissue integrity and cellular regulation. Students will be introduced to related assessment findings, lab and diagnostic tests, nursing diagnoses, and nursing interventions. Theory and skills are reinforced in classroom, laboratory, and clinical experiences. Identification with the nurse's role is fostered by direct involvement and active participation in the nursing care of assigned clients. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours, 3 clinical hours.
Prerequisites: Admission to the ADN-RN Program
First Year - Semester 2* Details
NUR 138 Foundation of Pharmacology and Disease Process Details 4
This course further develops the concepts within the three domains of individual, healthcare and nursing as they relate to pharmacology. The concepts include medication administration, clinical decision making, nutrition, evidence-based practice, informatics, communication, individual-centered care, quality improvement, ethics and interdisciplinary teams.
Prerequisites: Admission to the ADN-RN program; Successful completion of NUR 108/118/128
NUR 148 Health & Illness Concepts Details 5
This course builds on concepts covered in NUR 128 with an emphasis on chronic illness. Material covered will include assessment and abnormal lab/diagnostic findings, nursing interventions, and medical treatments for each chronic health condition. The nursing process will be utilized to discuss appropriate nursing care. Theory and skills are reinforced in classroom, laboratory and clinical experiences. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours, 6 clinical hours.
Prerequisites: Admission to the ADN-RN program; Successful completion of NUR 108/118/128
NUR 190 LPN Scope of Practice Details 4
Provides practical nursing students the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively collaborate with interdisciplinary team members in the healthcare system. Concepts and theories of nursing care delivery models and managing client care, appropriate delegation of client care to unlicensed assistive personnel, communication, time management, conflict resolution, legal responsibilities, ethical issues, decision making, and trends in nursing will be explored. 4 lecture hours.
Prerequisites: Admission to the ADN-RN program; Completed or concurrently enrolled in NUR 148
Second Year - Semester 3 Details
NUR 203 RN Concepts Details 2
This course will incorporate Whole Person Nursing into clinical practice. The course will focus on Whole Person Nursing as a model for practice. Core concepts are explored relating to the RN scope and practice, environment, health, and development as interactive components of the Whole Person Nursing curriculum framework. Scientific knowledge from nursing, physiological and psychological theories, and other support courses is the basis for planning, implementing, and evaluating the outcomes of nursing actions. The RN scope and practice will include the legal and ethical issues of nursing practice. 1 lecture hour, 3 clinical hours.
Prerequisites: Admission to the ADN-RN program; Completed NUR 148
NUR 248 Health & Illness Concepts II Details 4
This course builds on concepts covered in NUR 148 with an emphasis on acute disease processes. The nursing process will be utilized to discuss related materials including assessment and recognition of complications, abnormal lab/diagnostic findings, and medical and nursing interventions for each acute health condition. Learning will be reinforced in clinical experiences. The concepts of critical thinking and decision making in the role of a registered nurse will be emphasized. 3 lecture hours, 3 clinical hours.
Prerequisites: Second year standing in ADN-RN program
NUR 258 Family Health Concepts Details 6
This course applies client-centered nursing to the care of children, child-bearing women, and their families. Emphasis is on the unique needs of these individuals and families along the health and developmental continuums. Students participate as a member of the multi-disciplinary health team to promote, maintain, or restore health with common, acute, and chronic health alterations with the childbearing and childrearing experiences. The focus of clinical is the practice of these concepts in the acute care and community settings. Focus includes patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based care, quality improvement, safety, and informatics. Clinical also provides the opportunity to develop the professional nursing roles. 4 lecture hours, 6 clinical hours.
Prerequisites: Second year standing in ADN-RN program
Second Year - Semester 4 Details
NUR 268 Complex Health Concepts Details 6
This course builds on concepts covered in NUR 148 and NUR 248 with an emphasis on critical and life threatening conditions and disease processes. The nursing process will be utilized to discuss related materials including assessment and recognition of complications, abnormal lab/diagnostic findings, and medical and nursing interventions for each complex health condition. Emphasis will be placed on collaboration of the interdisciplinary team. Learning will be reinforced in lab and clinical experiences. 4 lecture hours, 6 clinical hours.
Prerequisites: Second year standing in ADN-RN program
NUR 278 Community Health and Mental Health Concepts Details 4
This course will cover topics related to the delivery of community and mental health care. Specific health needs of individuals, families, and populations will be addressed across the lifespan. Health education, health promotion, and illness prevention are stressed as strategies for meeting the health needs of populations. Attention will be given to diverse and at-risk populations. Mental health concepts will concentrate on specific mental health disorders and adaptive/maladaptive behaviors. Community resources will be examined in relation to specific types of support offered to diverse individuals and populations. Learning will be reinforced in clinical experiences. 3 lecture hours, 3 clinical hours.
Prerequisites: Second year standing in ADN-RN program
NUR 289 RN Leadership Details 2
This course is designed to examine current trends and issues in the rapidly changing healthcare environment that may influence the transition of students to nursing practice. Concepts and theories of nursing care delivery models, leadership and management, delegation of patient care, communication, time management, conflict resolution, legal responsibilities, ethical issues, decision making, issues, trends in nursing, and graduate role integration and professional development will be explored. Strategies for acquiring and maintaining a RN license, planning a career in nursing, and advancing in the profession are developed within the standards set forth by the Illinois Nursing and Advanced Practice Nursing Act.
Prerequisites: Second year standing in ADN-RN program

*Students wishing to complete the Practical Nurse certificate (54 semester hours) are required to complete all of the First Year-Semester 1 and Semester 2 courses in addition to NUR 190-LPN Scope of Practice (4 credit hours) and the required general education courses.

John Wood Community College is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement.  NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of post-secondary distance education that has comparable national standards for interstate offering of post-secondary distance education programs.

The curriculum for the nursing programs has been developed to meet the degree granting and/or licensing requirements for the state of Illinois. We have not yet determined whether licensing requirements for any other state are met.

Salary information provided by NurseJournal

See our Out of State students page for more information.