four students at a table in the library

Political Science

The political science associate degree equips students with a sense of the relationship between basic political structures and practices. Students develop an understanding of the organization and operation of the various levels of government, distinguishing rights, privileges, and duties within these realms. This associate degree prepares students to transfer to a four-year institution for a bachelor’s degree and may be considered a pre-law track.

three students at a table reading

Career Opportunities

  • Economist
  • Geographer
  • Historian
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Sociologist
  • Survey Researcher
  • Urban and Regional Planner
  • Post secondary Teacher

A few top JWCC transfer schools

Collage of Various University Icons
Suggested Pathway for Political Science (AA)
Do not use this degree plan as a substitute for an advisor. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
First Semester Details
ENG 101 Rhetoric and Composition I Details 3
An introductory course in writing at the college level with attention to skills needed at each stage of the writing process. Placement in ENG 101 presupposes competence in English grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling. IAI: C1 900.
Prerequisites: ENG 099 with a grade of "C" or above or appropriate placement score
FYE 101 Blazing Your Trail Details 1
Directed to new students, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. This course also develops students' abilities, which will assist them with the complexities of college life.
Prerequisites: (none)
MAT 109 Elementary Statistics Details 3
A study of the collection and interpretation of statistical data. Specific topics include description of sample data, probability, probability distributions, sampling, estimation, testing hypotheses, correlation, and regression. IAI: M1 902.
Prerequisites: MAT 020 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy Details 3
A study of recurrent, persistent human principles and problems such as the validity of knowledge; the nature of truth; the nature of identity, free will and determination; moral and aesthetic values; and religious belief systems. IAI: H4 900
Prerequisites: (none)
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology Details 3
Basic introduction to the major areas of psychology--the study of behavior and the mind. Areas of emphasis include human development, personality theory, learning, thinking, stress and motivation, mental illnesses, and biological and social aspects of behavior. Course will combine research with real life application throughout. IAI: S6 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
PSC 101 American Government Details 3
Fundamentals of federal, state and local governments with emphasis on national government, including the Constitution of the United States. IAI: S5 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
Second Semester Details
CSC 100 Computer Literacy Details 1
An introductory course in the history, characteristics, and significance of computers, including basic hardware and software components and a survey of applications. For persons with little or no background in computers who desire a general knowledge of computers or a foundations course on which to build a strong background in computing. Some "hand-on" experience.
Prerequisites: (none)
ENG 102 Rhetoric and Composition II Details 3
A continuation of ENG 101; provides further practice in writing at the college level for a variety of purposes and audiences, using both fixed and open or developing forms. Research paper required. IAI: C1 901R
Prerequisites: Completion of ENG 101 with a grade of "C" or above
BIO 105 Human Biology Details 3
This is an introductory course emphasizing the biology of human beings, including human organization from the atomic level to the biosphere, basic anatomy and physiology, genetics, evolution, and human interactions with the environment. Selected topics of discussion will include how science works and its impact on the human condition, biotechnological advances and ethical considerations, human wellness and disease, and the impact humans have on the environment. IAI: L1 904
Prerequisites: MAT 010 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, or appropriate placement score, or consent of department. Consent of JWCC Natural Sciences Department Chair is dependent upon the requesting student successfully passing an assessment (placement) exam for the particular prerequisite course. A passing BIO 101 placement exam score is 78 percent or above to opt out of the BIO 101 requirement. Otherwise, the student requesting acceptance into a course without completion of prerequisites must provide substantiated documentation of equivalent transfer credit to enroll in the course.
PHL 111 Introduction to Critical Thinking Details 3
A study of the rules of valid judging and reasoning, both inductive and deductive, in a traditional, language-centered context rather than a symbolic context. Logical analysis of both formal and informal fallacies and of the consistency and logical consequences of a given set of statements is included. IAI: H4 906
Prerequisites: (none)
SOC 111 Social Problems Details 3
This course describes social problems facing the United States today and identifies how these problems impact and are impacted by our institutions and culture. Students will learn how to interpret social problems by looking at them through the lens of sociological theory. The course examines the causes of various social problems, the effects of these problems on society and possible remedies or policies. IAI: S7 901.
Prerequisites: (none)
HIS 121 U.S. History I Details 3
History of the United States from the early foundation of the republic to 1877. IAI: S2 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
Third Semester Details
CMN 101 Introduction to Speech I Details 3
An introduction to the basic principles of oral communication as applied to public speaking. The course emphasizes the mastery of oral communication skills through a variety of exercises in which the student speaks before the group. Involves analysis of such topics as preparation, organization, and delivery. IAI: C2 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
PHY 103 Fundamentals of Physics I Details 4
General survey of various aspects of mechanics, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, modern physics optics, and relativity. (Will not transfer for engineering or physics major.) 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: P1 900L.
Prerequisites: MAT 113; MAT 114 is highly recommended and may be taken concurrently; high school physics
PSC 131 State and Local Government Details 3
Comparative analysis of state political systems with emphasis on the executive, the bureaucracy under the executive, state legislatures and county boards. IAI: S5 902.
Prerequisites: (none)
HIS 122 U.S. History II Details 3
Continuation of HIS 121 to the present. IAI: S2 901.
Prerequisites: (none)
PHL 121 Ethics Details 3
A study of the principal ethical theories and concepts of human conduct and character, as well as a critical evaluation of these theories and concepts as they apply to particular moral problems and decisions. IAI: H4 904
Prerequisites: (none)
Fourth Semester Details
PSC 110 Introduction to Political Science Details 3
Survey of major concepts and approaches employed in political science. IAI: S5 903.
Prerequisites: (none)
PSY 221 Social Psychology Details 3
A study of the impact of social factors on individual and group behavior, including attitudes, behavior, and motivation. (Same as SOC 221.) IAI: S8 900.
Prerequisites: PSY 101 or SOC 101
ECO 101 Principles of Macroeconomics Details 3
Introduction to the major areas of modern economic theory and public policy, including fiscal policy, international trade and finance, economic growth and development, and contemporary macro-economic problems. IAI: S3 901.
Prerequisites: (none)
SCI 105 Weather and Climate Details 4
An elementary survey of the properties of the atmosphere and the principles that govern weather and climate change. Real-time weather data will be used to predict weather and historical data archives to study climate. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
HIS 222 U.S. History Since 1945 Details 3
This course surveys the social, political, and cultural history of the United States from 1945 to the present. Using traditional secondary sources and cultural artifacts, the course encourages students to think critically about the relationship between political developments and the broader strains of a dynamic and contested American culture.
Prerequisites: (none)