Graphic artist uses digital technology to draw her photos

Computer-Aided Design

With courses taught by CAD engineers and flexible labs, evening and online classes, internships, and career placement, students are well prepared for computer-aided designer (CAD) careers. Practical skills include using specialized computer software to create drawings, blueprints, plans and other documents for a variety of fields such as mechanical design, construction, manufacturing, engineering, architecture, healthcare, and the automobile industry.

Career Opportunities

  • CAD Designer
  • CAD Operator
  • Design Drafter
  • Designer
  • Drafter
  • Installation Drafter
Suggested Degree Plan for Computer-Aided Design (AAS)
Do not use this degree plan as a substitute for an advisor. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
First Semester Details
CAD 101 Introduction to Drafting and Blueprint Reading for CAD Details 3
Introduces the student to basic tools and techniques needed in the drafting and blueprint reading profession as applied to CAD. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
CAD 104 Introduction to Computer-Aided Design Details 3
An introduction to the use of CAD using AutoCAD. Students are introduced to the capabilities of various hardware and software systems by creating, editing, copying, moving and/or deleting entities. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 101 or concurrent, or consent of department
CAD 114 Introduction to Parametric Modeling Details 3
This course is an introduction to engineering design and graphics, including design problems, sketching, dimensioning, tolerancing, multi-view orthographic representations, auxiliary views, section views, and working drawings using SolidWorks. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
CSC 106 Introduction to Computers Details 3
An introductory course in which students learn basic terminology, equipment, history, various software including operating system and application software, and the impact of the computer in society. Includes "hands-on" experience. Satisfies JWCC computer literacy requirement. (Same as AGR 175)
Prerequisites: (none)
Various ENG 101 / ENG 191 Details 3
Choose ENG 101 or ENG 191.
ENG 101 Rhetoric and Composition I Details 3
An introductory course in writing at the college level with attention to skills needed at each stage of the writing process. Placement in ENG 101 presupposes competence in English grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling. IAI: C1 900.
Prerequisites: ENG 099 with a grade of "C" or above or appropriate placement score
ENG 191 Business Communication Details 3
This course instructs students in the techniques of composing effective business letters, memoranda, electronic communication, resumes and cover letters, and reports. It covers introductory business communication principles including intercultural communication, teamwork strategies, business etiquette, meeting strategies, business presentations, and employment communication.
Prerequisites: ENG 099 with a grade of "C" or above or appropriate placement score.
FYE 101 Blazing Your Trail Details 1
Directed to new students, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. This course also develops students' abilities, which will assist them with the complexities of college life.
Prerequisites: (none)
Second Semester Details
CAD 102 Drafting Terminology for CAD Details 3
Introduces the student to the terminology used in the drafting field as related to computer-aided design. This course is not intended to be a drafting course. 2.5 lecture hours, 1 lab hour
Prerequisites: CAD 101
CAD 106 CAD Applications I Details 3
The first of three courses in CAD applications. The focus of this course will include parametric modeling, layouts, notes and dimensions, tolerances, and plotting drawings. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours; IAI: IND 911
Prerequisites: (none)
CAD 204 Three-Dimensional Applications Details 3
Expands upon the area of 3D; covers drawing enhancements available, translation of drawing files (3D) into compatible file formats for other operations such as mass property calculations, centers of gravity calculations using SolidWorks. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 114 or consent of department
Various CMN 101 / CMN 104 Details 3
Choose CMN 101 or CMN 104.
CMN 101 Introduction to Speech I Details 3
An introduction to the basic principles of oral communication as applied to public speaking. The course emphasizes the mastery of oral communication skills through a variety of exercises in which the student speaks before the group. Involves analysis of such topics as preparation, organization, and delivery. IAI: C2 900.
Prerequisites: (none)
CMN 104 Interpersonal Communication Details 3
An introduction to the basic theories and concepts relevant to face-to-face interaction. Emphasis is placed on the role of communication in the creation, maintenance, and termination of social, romantic, familial, and professional relationships. IAI: MC 901
Prerequisites: (none)
MAT 109 Elementary Statistics Details 3
A study of the collection and interpretation of statistical data. Specific topics include description of sample data, probability, probability distributions, sampling, estimation, testing hypotheses, correlation, and regression. IAI: M1 902.
Prerequisites: MAT 020 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
MFG 104 Quality/Continuous Improvement Details 3
This course provides an introduction to controlling and improving quality in a manufacturing setting. It explores ways that manufacturers use data and analysis to improve quality and introduces students to lean manufacturing techniques. Course content is based on the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician curriculum. Students will qualify to sit for MSSC-M2 - Quality and Continuous Improvement Certification through the MSSC.
Prerequisites: (none)
Third Semester Details
CAD 200 CAD Applications II Details 3
A continuation of CAD 106 using Inventor. Items include assembly of parametric models, working drawings, dimensioning and notes. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 106 or consent of department
CAD 214 Advanced 3-D Applications-Solid Works Details 3
This course is a continuation of CAD 204. This project-based course focuses on 3-D sheet metal design techniques and advanced assembly modeling using the current version of SolidWorks. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 204 or consent of department
CAD 230 Introduction to the Manufacturing Processes Details 3
Acquaints the student with the following areas of manufacturing processes: material control, production control, material handling, quality and cost controls, purchasing procedures, and the J-I-T process. Students will qualify to sit for the MSSC-M3 - Manufacturing Processes and Production Certification.
Prerequisites: (none)
PSY 145 Human Relations in the Workplace Details 3
Introduction to the application of guidelines for the field of human relationships in the workplace. The course will examine the information and guidelines to promote effective functioning in the workplace. Topics covered will include diversity in the workplace, groups and organizations, ethics, productivity, teamwork communication, and motivation. Also emphasized will be workplace attitudes for job satisfaction, interpersonal relations, dealing with stress and discrimination, and career choice planning.
Prerequisites: (none)
Various Approved Technical Electives (Computer-Aided Design Associate in Applied Science) Details 3
BUS 211, LOM 180, and all courses with CAD, ELE, IMT, MFG, and WLD prefixes.
BUS 211 Supply Chain Management Details 3
Students will study the various functions involved in supply chain management, including storage, warehousing, transportation, materials handling, inventory control, purchasing, plant location, and information flow. Students will demonstrate the ability to understand the fundamentals of the field and to stretch this understanding to comprehend the intricate processes needed by logistical and transportation managers.
Prerequisites: (none)
LOM 180 Project Management Details 3
This course introduces a practical approach to managing essential resources, people and deadlines. It will address real-world challenges required to bring any project in on time, on target and on budget. Students will learn skills and concepts of essential project management processes, defining requirements, schedules, risk management assessment, change control and project management software applications. This course provides a practical approach to developing projects with opportunities to apply skills and elements by completing activities based upon real-time projects and case studies.
Prerequisites: CSC 104 and CSC 107 or consent of department
Various CAD Electives Details 3
All courses with CAD prefix.
CAD 101 Introduction to Drafting and Blueprint Reading for CAD Details 3
Introduces the student to basic tools and techniques needed in the drafting and blueprint reading profession as applied to CAD. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
CAD 102 Drafting Terminology for CAD Details 3
Introduces the student to the terminology used in the drafting field as related to computer-aided design. This course is not intended to be a drafting course. 2.5 lecture hours, 1 lab hour
Prerequisites: CAD 101
CAD 104 Introduction to Computer-Aided Design Details 3
An introduction to the use of CAD using AutoCAD. Students are introduced to the capabilities of various hardware and software systems by creating, editing, copying, moving and/or deleting entities. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 101 or concurrent, or consent of department
CAD 106 CAD Applications I Details 3
The first of three courses in CAD applications. The focus of this course will include parametric modeling, layouts, notes and dimensions, tolerances, and plotting drawings. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours; IAI: IND 911
Prerequisites: (none)
CAD 114 Introduction to Parametric Modeling Details 3
This course is an introduction to engineering design and graphics, including design problems, sketching, dimensioning, tolerancing, multi-view orthographic representations, auxiliary views, section views, and working drawings using SolidWorks. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
CAD 195 Special Topics in Computer-Aided Design Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in CAD not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated three times with different topics. Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
CAD 200 CAD Applications II Details 3
A continuation of CAD 106 using Inventor. Items include assembly of parametric models, working drawings, dimensioning and notes. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 106 or consent of department
CAD 202 CAD Applications III Details 3
A continuation of CAD 200 using Inventor. Items covered include advanced 3D drawings, reverse engineering of parts and assemblies. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 200 or consent of department
CAD 204 Three-Dimensional Applications Details 3
Expands upon the area of 3D; covers drawing enhancements available, translation of drawing files (3D) into compatible file formats for other operations such as mass property calculations, centers of gravity calculations using SolidWorks. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 114 or consent of department
CAD 210 Design and Prototyping Details 3
Engineering and technology research, design, and development strategies are emphasized to develop the creativity, critical thinking, and innovation skills necessary to generate new products, identify product ideas, and design, develop, test, analyze, and successfully fabricate a prototype. Prototypes will often be created using 3D filament and 3D resin printers, but other processes may be used. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 114 or CAD 106
CAD 214 Advanced 3-D Applications-Solid Works Details 3
This course is a continuation of CAD 204. This project-based course focuses on 3-D sheet metal design techniques and advanced assembly modeling using the current version of SolidWorks. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 204 or consent of department
CAD 230 Introduction to the Manufacturing Processes Details 3
Acquaints the student with the following areas of manufacturing processes: material control, production control, material handling, quality and cost controls, purchasing procedures, and the J-I-T process. Students will qualify to sit for the MSSC-M3 - Manufacturing Processes and Production Certification.
Prerequisites: (none)
CAD 231 Tool Design I Details 3
Exposes the student to the field of tool design; includes the basics of the design of tools, fixtures and jigs. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 200 or concurrent
CAD 233 Architectural Design I Details 3
Introduces the student to the architectural drafting and design field and its interface to CAD. Covers the drafting techniques that are commonly used in the architectural drafting field and familiarizes the student with building and construction codes. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 200 or concurrent
CAD 299 CAD Internship Details 1-5 (Varies)
Students are placed in selected areas of manufacturing and production using CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing) to learn and become acquainted with the many different aspects of the working environment. Dual supervision provided by College staff and the operating business. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
Various ELE Electives Details 3
All courses with the ELE prefix.
ELE 100 Survey of the Electrical Trade Details 2
The course is designed to provide career information for an electrician. The type of work performed by an electrician, including working conditions, physical requirements, necessary mechanical aptitude, safety considerations, and other aspects, will be explained. Students will develop skills in the use of basic instruments, equipment, techniques, and hand tools. Electrical codes, blueprints, and electrical systems will be covered. 1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 101 Blueprint Reading for Electricians Details 3
This course is designed to help students understand prints and diagrams used by electricians. Drawings of residences and commercial buildings will be studied. The National Electrician Code will be studied along with the exercises.
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 105 Electrical Safety in Workshop Details 1
This course is designed to educate students about NFPA 70E, a National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard designed to protect workers from the dangers of electricity. Students will learn about various types of electrical hazards and how to conduct a thorough risk assessment before starting electrical work. They will also learn the hierarchy of risk controls and safe work practices.
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 110 Introduction to Electricity Details 3
Course provides a comprehensive study of electronic theory, practices and fundamentals. Laboratory activities explore the underlying principles of DC and AC circuitry through measurement analysis and problem solving strategies. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 115 Electrical Troubleshooting Details 2
Working with real-world components, students in this Electrical Troubleshooting course will learn how to fix electrical problems quickly and safely.  The course was created to bring students up to speed in their electrical troubleshooting skills as efficiently as possible, and to cover the most commonly performed electrical troubleshooting tasks a maintenance technician faces in their job every day.  For the novice or experienced electrician, this training course provides a no-nonsense, practical and real-world systematic approach to electrical troubleshooting.  This course can also be adopted as part of a company's regular Qualified Electrical Worker program. 2 credits (1.25 lecture and 1.5 lab)
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 120 Introduction to National Electrical Code Details 3
An introduction to the national electrical code that will provide the student with a working knowledge of the requirements set forth nationally for practicing electricians.
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 125 Electrical Applications I Details 3
This course provides the basic skills and knowledge that the electrician uses in the day-to-day routine. Students develop skills in applying electrical blueprint reading, wiring diagrams, and schematic drawings to problem situations. In addition, students develop material lists, cite appropriate codes, and identify potential safety hazards associated with specific jobs. Practical laboratory activities are provided. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 120, or consent of department
ELE 130 Residential Electricity Details 3
An introduction to residential wiring, plans, specifications, and codes. Students are provided theory and lab assignments in the use of wiring diagrams, hooking up single-phase systems, wiring basic lighting and receptacle circuits, and installing low-voltage switching and control circuits. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 100 and ELE 110, or consent of department
ELE 135 Programmable Control Details 3
A practical and theoretical approach to the installation, programming, and maintenance of programmable control (PC) equipment. The course develops skills in the application of PC equipment and computers in manufacturing processes. Practical laboratory activities are provided. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: IMT 120 or consent of department
ELE 195 Special Topics in Electrical Technology Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in electricity not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated three times with different topics. Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
ELE 199 Electrical Technology Internship Details 1-5 (Varies)
This course offers electrical technology students several options for acquiring work-based education in the electrical work site environment. Students may elect to participate in an approved apprenticeship, internship, job shadowing, or mentoring activity as it pertains to their career goals. The course provides the opportunity to apply classroom theory and experience the dynamics of modern industry. Students complete 80 hours of on-the-job training per semester for each enrolled credit hour. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of at least 24 credit hours of course work and a minimum of a 2.0 GPA
ELE 205 Commercial Electricity Details 3
Theory and laboratory assignments in commercial wiring, conduit, blueprint reading, safety, and the National Electrical Code as they apply to commercial circuits. Students will plan, lay out, install, and troubleshoot high- and low-voltage circuits and devices used in commercial buildings. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 125 or consent of department
ELE 220 Electrical Applications II Details 3
Provides the advanced skills and knowledge that the electrician uses in solving electrical problems found in day-to-day situations. Students develop skills in applying electrical theory to the solution of these problems. In addition, students develop material lists, cite appropriate codes and identify potential safety hazards associated with specific jobs. Practical laboratory activities are provided. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 125 or consent of department
ELE 225 Industrial Electricity Details 3
An introduction to industrial wiring, blueprint reading, troubleshooting, and the National Electric Code. Theory and lab assignments in bus systems, unity substations, panelboards, subfeeders, conduit, and special equipment. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 205 or consent of department
ELE 230 Specialized Electrical Circuits Details 3
The introduction of specialized electrical circuits, such as emergency lighting, security, communications, fire alarm, and data processing systems. Students will apply knowledge of blueprints, codes and safety precautions in the solution of installation problems. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 205 and ELE 220, or consent of department
ELE 235 Electrical Systems Analysis Details 3
A comprehensive program of laboratory experiments and report writing to master the principles and operation of machines and devices that generate, transform, and use electrical power. Emphasis is placed on the analysis and assessment of complex electrical circuits. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 135 or consent of department
ELE 240 Instrumentation Details 3
This course is designed to introduce the student to various types of instrumentation and control systems and devices. Topics of study include principles of control systems, methods of measurement, and control elements. This course will primarily cover pressure, temperature, level and flow detection instrumentation. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: IMT 120 or consent of department
ELE 295 Advanced Special Topics in Electrical Technology Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in electricity not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated three times with different topics. Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
Various Electives Details 3
Any credit-based course may be taken to fulfill this requirement. Students should always discuss with their advisor which electives would be best for them to take to best achieve his or her particular goals.
Prerequisites: Varies by course
Electives (1-3) Electives (1-3) Details 1-3
Any credit-based course may be taken to fulfill this requirement. Students should always discuss with their advisor which electives would be best for them to take to best achieve his or her particular goals.
Prerequisites: Varies by course
Electives (3) Electives Details 3
Any credit-based course may be taken to fulfill this requirement. Students should always discuss with their advisor which electives would be best for them to take to best achieve his or her particular goals.
Prerequisites: Varies by course
Various SOC / PSY Elective Details 3
Sociology or Psychology Elective
Prerequisites: (none)
Various IMT Electives Details 3
All courses with the IMT prefix.
IMT 110 Industrial Wiring Details 2
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of industrial wiring and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about the electrical power distribution and the installation and wiring of industrial electrical equipment. 1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 120 Industrial Motors & Controls Details 3
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of motors and controls and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about motor control systems, devices, circuits and troubleshooting. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 140 Pumps/Piping Details 2
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of pump and piping operation and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about maintenance tasks such as pump installation, shaft alignment, wiring, operation, inspection, piping schematics, calculation or pipe lengths, fabrication, installation, and testing of piping circuits, maintenance, troubleshooting and component replacement. 1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 150 Fluid Power I (Hydraulics) Details 3
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of hydraulics and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about hydraulic fundamentals, electrical control of hydraulic systems, hydraulic applications, sensors, and troubleshooting hydraulic circuits. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 155 Fluid Power II (Pneumatics) Details 2
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of pneumatics and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about pneumatic fundamentals, electrical control of pneumatic systems, pneumatic applications, sensors, and troubleshooting pneumatic circuits. 1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 195 Special Topics in Industrial Maintenance Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in industrial maintenance not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated with different topics to maximum of four credit hours. Topics to be listed on student's permanent academic record.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
IMT 199 Industrial Maintenance Internship Details 1-5 (Varies)
Students are placed in selected areas of an industrial maintenance department to learn about and become acquainted with the many different aspects of the working environment. Dual supervision is provided by college staff and the operating business. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of 16 credit hours of course work or consent of department
IMT 200 Mechanical Systems Details 3
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of mechanical systems and predictive maintenance and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about the installation, use, predictive maintenance, and troubleshooting of mechanical drive components. 1 lecture hour, 4 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 235 Mechatronics Details 4
This course introduces the student to industrial robots, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and troubleshooting integrated systems. The student will learn ladder logic operation of PLCs, programming industrial robots, and troubleshooting methods/practices. 2 lecture hours, 4 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 135
IMT 290 Rigging Details 2
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of rigging systems and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about the fundamentals of rigging practices and the techniques to move, lift and install machines. 1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
Various MFG Electives Details 3
All courses with the MFG prefix
MFG 103 Introduction to Manufacturing Maintenance Details 2
This course provides a basic understanding of tools and equipment used in manufacturing and knowledge of how to improve productivity through predictive and preventive maintenance. Course content is based on the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician curriculum. Students will qualify to sit for MSSC-M4 - Maintenance Awareness Certification through the MSSC.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 104 Quality/Continuous Improvement Details 3
This course provides an introduction to controlling and improving quality in a manufacturing setting. It explores ways that manufacturers use data and analysis to improve quality and introduces students to lean manufacturing techniques. Course content is based on the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician curriculum. Students will qualify to sit for MSSC-M2 - Quality and Continuous Improvement Certification through the MSSC.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 106 CNC Turning Details 3
Students will be provided with a blueprint and will be responsible for programming, editing, and choosing cutting tools to create a finished part on a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) turning center. Students will program, set-up and produce finished parts. The course includes programming for producing fast finished parts along with all documentations needed for the parts produced. The course is designed to meet the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) Level 1 CNC milling certification. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 111 or consent of department
MFG 110 Introduction to CAD/CAM Details 3
A continuation of the study of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) programming with emphasis on advanced milling and turning machine techniques, program set-up, carbide tooling, program input, program editing, and introductory 3-D machining techniques. Trains machine tool qualified individuals in the operation and programming of CNC machining centers interfaced with CAD/CAM software. CNC applications will be applied to the development of projects through secondary laboratory experiences. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 114 and MFG 105 or consent of department
MFG 111 CNC Milling Details 4
Students will learn to program, edit, and produce a finished part using a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining center. The course will start with basic programming methods and advance to more complex programming codes. Students will be responsible for setting-up and producing finished parts within the tolerances that are specified. The course is designed to meet the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) Level 1 CNC milling certification. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 135 or consent of department
MFG 113 Introduction to Manufacturing & Industrial Safety Details 3
This course provides students with an introduction to the manufacturing world and provides specific instruction to facilitate safe work practices in industrial environments. It introduces manufacturing specializations such as mechatronics, precision machining and welding and covers fire safety, pressurized gases, electrical hazards, safe machine usage, and lock out tag out. Students learn concepts of industrial noise, machine guarding, electrical safety, chemical exposure, hazardous waste, Worker's Compensation laws, liability, and general safety precautions for the workplace. Course content is based on the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician curriculum and OSHA standards. Students will qualify to sit for MSSC-M1-Safety Certification through the MSSC.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 120 Industrial Robots Details 3
This course introduces students to industrial robots and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). Included is the operation of PLCs. Students will learn ladder diagram programming of PLCs and point-to-point programming for industrial robots. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 121 Advanced Manufacturing Safety Culture Details 1
Introduces the importance of cultivating daily safe work habits and the predictable negative results of not being safety conscious in the workplace. Instructs the students in basic safety culture and prepares them to participate in, conduct, and lead safety walk-throughs. Introduces the student to Safety Discussions. Prepares the student to conduct risk assessment activities, construct safety boards, and formulate individual safety commitments.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 122 Advanced Manufacturing 5S Principles Details 1
Introduces the fundamental 5S process involving the five-step progression described by the Japanese words Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. Instructs the students in the sequence involving classifying and sorting, ordering, and aligning, cleaning, and sweeping up, standardizing, and developing a process of sustainable practice in the workplace. Fosters the development of a workplace organization in which safety and efficiency are always paramount.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 123 Total Management Production Details 1
Instructs the student in the concepts of value-added product, maintenance value-added product, value-added work, and necessary work. Explains the process of how employers earn profit. Demonstrates the Lean Production System for Maintenance using the TPS House framework. Describes and explains the three Ms and the seven Mudas and their relationship to maintenance and production.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 126 Problem Solving in Advanced Manufacturing Details 1
Introduces the 8 step Problem Solving method and the 10-part Drive and Dedication model. Instructs the students to clarify the problem, break it down to analyze it, set achievable targets, analyze the root cause, develop countermeasures, evaluate results and the process, standardize the results, and learn from failures. Fosters the development of a customer first philosophy involving all the stakeholders.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 127 Machine Reliability Advanced Manufacturing Details 1
Introduces Maintenance Reliability training. Describes the difference between corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance. Breaks down proactive maintenance and the underlying tools and constituent processes. Instructs the students in the various individual units in a system and the steps in evaluating failure mode risks and countermeasures.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 131 Maintenance Machinist Fundamentals Details 2
This course provides an overview of machining processes. The course introduces a wide variety of skills in the planning, machining, and finishing of metal products. Students develop basic skills in the use of measurement devices, hand tools, hardware types, locating holes, drill press, band saw, engine lathe, key mills, bearings, and shaft seals. 2 credits (1 lecture/2 lab)
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 135 Precision Machining I Details 3
This course provides an overview of machining processes. The course introduces a wide variety of skills in the planning, machining and finishing of metal products. Students develop basic skills in the use of hand tools, drill press, band saw, engine lathe, vertical milling machine and related equipment. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite/Corequisite: MFG 113
MFG 145 Introduction to Robotics Operations Details 3
This course covers the evolution of robotics and how they are used in a manufacturing or distribution facility. Students will learn the various classifications of robots, understand work-cell sensors, end-of-arm tooling, and the various types of robotics programming. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 150 Handling Tool Operations/Programming Details 3
This course is intended for an operator, technician, engineer or programmer who must setup and record programs on a robot. The course covers the tasks required to set up the specific application, test, run and refine the program and production setup. The course consists of lectures, demonstrations and lab exercises. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 195 Special Topics in Manufacturing Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in manufacturing not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated three times with different topics. Topics to be listed on student's permanent academic record. Possible topics include case studies, simulations, special problems or problem-solving techniques.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
MFG 199 Manufacturing Internship Details 1-5 (Varies)
Students are placed in selected areas of a manufacturing facility to learn about and become acquainted with the many different aspects of the working environment. Dual supervision is provided by college staff and the operating business. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of 14 credit hours of course work or consent of department
MFG 235 Precision Machining II Details 3
This course provides a working, hands-on of machining processes. The course introduces a wide variety of skills in the machining and finishing of metal products. Students develop basic skills in the use of hand tools, drill press, band saw, engine lathe, vertical milling machine and related equipment. Not everyone will pass the NIMS testing; this does not mean you will fail the class. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: MFG 135 or consent of department
MFG 250 Physical Metallurgy Details 3
Introduction to the properties of metals, effects of working metals in various forms and shapes, thermal treatments, phase diagrams, and principles concerning material science including atomic and crystal arrangements and their effect on mechanical properties.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 295 Advanced Special Topics in Manufacturing Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in manufacturing not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated with different topics to maximum of four credit hours. Topics to be listed on student's permanent academic record. Possible topics include case studies, simulations, special problems or problem solving techniques.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
Various WLD Electives Details 3
All courses with the WLD prefix.
WLD 101 Maintenance and Repair Welding Details 3
Course covers basic electric arc, oxy-fuel, gas metal arc, and shielded metal arc welding processes. Safety procedures required to set up and shut down welding equipment for the various processes. Hands-on experience includes practice with the three welding and cutting systems using various thickness materials. 1 lecture hour, 4 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
WLD 121 MIG Welding Short Circuit Details 3
Learn machine setup and welding techniques of Gas Metal Arc Welding Short-Circuit Transfer. Perform AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel code compliant welds on carbon steel in the flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead positions. This course aligns with AWS SENSE 1 Module 5 - Key Indicators 1-7, as well as Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. Imbedded credential: AWS welder certification. 0.5 lecture hours, 5 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 (can be taken concurrently), WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 124 MIG Welding Spray Transfer Details 1
This course focuses on proper weld safety, machine setup and welding techniques of Gas Metal Arc Welding Spray Transfer. Perform AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel compliant welds on carbon steel in flat and horizontal positions. This course aligns with AWS SENSE 1 Module 2 - Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, Module 5 - Key Indicators 1, 2 and 8-12, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. 0 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 and WLD 180 or consent of department Corequisites: May be taken with WLD 125
WLD 125 Stick Welding I Details 3
This course focuses on safety, amperage settings, polarity and the proper selection of electrodes for the shielded metal arc welding process. Students perform AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel compliant welds on carbon steel in the flat and horizontal positions using visual and destructive methods for determining weld quality. This course aligns to AWS SENSE 1 Module 4 - Key Indicators 1 - 7 for the flat and horizontal positions, as well as Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. 0.5 lecture hours, 5 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 (may be taken concurrently) and WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 126 Stick Welding II Details 3
This course focuses on safety, amperage settings, polarity and the proper selection of electrodes for the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process. Perform AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel compliant welds on carbon steel in the vertical up and overhead positions using visual and destructive methods for determining weld quality. Students will also visually examine and test various weldments and thermally cut surfaces per multiple welding codes, standards and specifications. This course aligns to AWS SENSE 1 Module 4: Shielded Metal Arc Welding Key Indicators 1-7 for the vertical up and overhead positions as well as Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. Imbedded credential: AWS welder certification and SENSE 1, Module 9: Welding Inspection and Testing Principles. 0.5 lecture hours, 5 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113, WLD 125 and WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 127 TIG Welding Carbon Steel Details 2
Learn weld safety, machine setup and welding techniques for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. Perform AWS D1.3 Structural Welding Code-Sheet Steel compliant welds on carbon steel in the flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead positions. This course aligns to AWS SENSE 1, Module 7 - Key Indicators 1-7, as well as Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. Imbedded credential: AWS welder certification. 0.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 and WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 132 TIG Non-Ferrous Metals Details 2
This course focuses on proper weld safety, machine setup and welding techniques for gas tungsten arc welding on aluminum and stainless steel. Perform AWS D1.2 Structural Welding Code-Aluminum compliant welds on aluminum in the flat and horizontal positions. Perform AWS D1.2 Structural Welding Code-Aluminum Compliant welds on aluminum in the flat and horizontal positions and AWS D1.6 Structural Welding Code-Stainless Steel compliant welds on austenitic Stainless steel in flat, horizontal and vertical positions. This course aligns to AWS SENSE 1, Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, Module 7 - Key Indicators 1, 2 and 8-17 and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. The course combines former WLD 128 and WLD 129. 0.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113, WLD 127 and WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 135 Flux Core Inner & Dual Shield Weld Details 2
Perform proper weld safety, machine setup and welding techniques for Flux Cored Arc Welding Self-Shielded (FCAW-S) and Flux Cored Arc Welding Gas Shielded (FCAW-G). Produce AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel compliant welds on carbon steel in the flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead positions. This course aligns to SENSE 1 Module 6 - Key Indicators 1-12, as well as Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. The course combines former WLD 122 and WLD 123. 0.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 and WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 161 Interpreting Welding Prints Details 3
Students interpret welding prints and sketches focusing on English/Metric measurements, AWS welding symbols, and fabrication requirements. Learn to prepare, assemble and tack weld parts together complying to a print using proper materials and tools. This course aligns to SENSE 1 Module 3: Drawing and Welding Symbol Interpretation, Key Indicators 1 and 2.
Prerequisites: (none)
WLD 170 Specialized Welding Details 1
This course will cover specialized welding processes including basic robotic welding and basic plasma cutting. Students will be introduced to robotic welding systems as well as learn how to perform basic procedures on a system. This course also provides fundamental safety precautions while operating robotic and plasma cutting equipment. 0.5 lecture hours, 1 lab hour.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 or consent of department
WLD 180 Thermal Cutting Processes Details 2
Practice proper safety, equipment setup and cutting techniques for manual and mechanized OxyFuel, Plasma and Air Arc cutting, scarfing and gouging on carbon steel, aluminum and stainless steel in the flat and horizontal positions conforming to AWS C4.1. This course aligns to AWS SENSE 1 Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 8 Units 1 – 4, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 1. 0.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: Corequisites: MFG 113
WLD 194 Capstone Project Details 1
Design, fabricate, weld to an appropriate welding code, and finish assemble a quality manufactured product using layout tools, saws, grinders, drills, Oxyfuel, Plasma, Air Carbon Arc and multiple welding processes. 0 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 and WLD 180 Corequisites: WLD 126, WLD 127, WLD 132, WLD 135 and WLD 130
WLD 195 Special Topics in Welding Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in welding not covered in other courses. Topics will vary with needs, interests, and goals of the student and instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated three times with different topics. Topics to be listed on student's permanent academic record.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
WLD 199 Welding Internship Details 1-5 (Varies)
Students are placed in selected areas of manufacturing and production using proper welding techniques to learn about and become acquainted with the many different aspects of the working environment. Dual supervision is provided by college staff and the operating business. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: consent of department
Fourth Semester Details
CAD 202 CAD Applications III Details 3
A continuation of CAD 200 using Inventor. Items covered include advanced 3D drawings, reverse engineering of parts and assemblies. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 200 or consent of department
CAD 210 Design and Prototyping Details 3
Engineering and technology research, design, and development strategies are emphasized to develop the creativity, critical thinking, and innovation skills necessary to generate new products, identify product ideas, and design, develop, test, analyze, and successfully fabricate a prototype. Prototypes will often be created using 3D filament and 3D resin printers, but other processes may be used. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 114 or CAD 106
CAD 231 Tool Design I Details 3
Exposes the student to the field of tool design; includes the basics of the design of tools, fixtures and jigs. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 200 or concurrent
MAT 114 Trigonometry Details 3
This course is intended for students who plan to continue their college mathematics education or to meet college transfer requirements. It is the study and analysis of the sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent function; show these functions are used to solve many types of problems involving the sides and angles of triangles; and how these functions are used to solve many types of problems involving cyclic patterns, some that vary with time. Topics include definitions, properties and manipulation of trigonometric functions; applications of trigonometric functions; analytic trigonometry; trigonometric form of complex numbers; and polar coordinates, equations and graphs.
Prerequisites: MAT 020 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
Various Approved Technical Electives (Computer-Aided Design Associate in Applied Science) Details 3
BUS 211, LOM 180, and all courses with CAD, ELE, IMT, MFG, and WLD prefixes.
BUS 211 Supply Chain Management Details 3
Students will study the various functions involved in supply chain management, including storage, warehousing, transportation, materials handling, inventory control, purchasing, plant location, and information flow. Students will demonstrate the ability to understand the fundamentals of the field and to stretch this understanding to comprehend the intricate processes needed by logistical and transportation managers.
Prerequisites: (none)
LOM 180 Project Management Details 3
This course introduces a practical approach to managing essential resources, people and deadlines. It will address real-world challenges required to bring any project in on time, on target and on budget. Students will learn skills and concepts of essential project management processes, defining requirements, schedules, risk management assessment, change control and project management software applications. This course provides a practical approach to developing projects with opportunities to apply skills and elements by completing activities based upon real-time projects and case studies.
Prerequisites: CSC 104 and CSC 107 or consent of department
Various CAD Electives Details 3
All courses with CAD prefix.
CAD 101 Introduction to Drafting and Blueprint Reading for CAD Details 3
Introduces the student to basic tools and techniques needed in the drafting and blueprint reading profession as applied to CAD. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
CAD 102 Drafting Terminology for CAD Details 3
Introduces the student to the terminology used in the drafting field as related to computer-aided design. This course is not intended to be a drafting course. 2.5 lecture hours, 1 lab hour
Prerequisites: CAD 101
CAD 104 Introduction to Computer-Aided Design Details 3
An introduction to the use of CAD using AutoCAD. Students are introduced to the capabilities of various hardware and software systems by creating, editing, copying, moving and/or deleting entities. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 101 or concurrent, or consent of department
CAD 106 CAD Applications I Details 3
The first of three courses in CAD applications. The focus of this course will include parametric modeling, layouts, notes and dimensions, tolerances, and plotting drawings. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours; IAI: IND 911
Prerequisites: (none)
CAD 114 Introduction to Parametric Modeling Details 3
This course is an introduction to engineering design and graphics, including design problems, sketching, dimensioning, tolerancing, multi-view orthographic representations, auxiliary views, section views, and working drawings using SolidWorks. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
CAD 195 Special Topics in Computer-Aided Design Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in CAD not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated three times with different topics. Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
CAD 200 CAD Applications II Details 3
A continuation of CAD 106 using Inventor. Items include assembly of parametric models, working drawings, dimensioning and notes. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 106 or consent of department
CAD 202 CAD Applications III Details 3
A continuation of CAD 200 using Inventor. Items covered include advanced 3D drawings, reverse engineering of parts and assemblies. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 200 or consent of department
CAD 204 Three-Dimensional Applications Details 3
Expands upon the area of 3D; covers drawing enhancements available, translation of drawing files (3D) into compatible file formats for other operations such as mass property calculations, centers of gravity calculations using SolidWorks. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 114 or consent of department
CAD 210 Design and Prototyping Details 3
Engineering and technology research, design, and development strategies are emphasized to develop the creativity, critical thinking, and innovation skills necessary to generate new products, identify product ideas, and design, develop, test, analyze, and successfully fabricate a prototype. Prototypes will often be created using 3D filament and 3D resin printers, but other processes may be used. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 114 or CAD 106
CAD 214 Advanced 3-D Applications-Solid Works Details 3
This course is a continuation of CAD 204. This project-based course focuses on 3-D sheet metal design techniques and advanced assembly modeling using the current version of SolidWorks. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 204 or consent of department
CAD 230 Introduction to the Manufacturing Processes Details 3
Acquaints the student with the following areas of manufacturing processes: material control, production control, material handling, quality and cost controls, purchasing procedures, and the J-I-T process. Students will qualify to sit for the MSSC-M3 - Manufacturing Processes and Production Certification.
Prerequisites: (none)
CAD 231 Tool Design I Details 3
Exposes the student to the field of tool design; includes the basics of the design of tools, fixtures and jigs. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours
Prerequisites: CAD 200 or concurrent
CAD 233 Architectural Design I Details 3
Introduces the student to the architectural drafting and design field and its interface to CAD. Covers the drafting techniques that are commonly used in the architectural drafting field and familiarizes the student with building and construction codes. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 200 or concurrent
CAD 299 CAD Internship Details 1-5 (Varies)
Students are placed in selected areas of manufacturing and production using CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing) to learn and become acquainted with the many different aspects of the working environment. Dual supervision provided by College staff and the operating business. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
Various ELE Electives Details 3
All courses with the ELE prefix.
ELE 100 Survey of the Electrical Trade Details 2
The course is designed to provide career information for an electrician. The type of work performed by an electrician, including working conditions, physical requirements, necessary mechanical aptitude, safety considerations, and other aspects, will be explained. Students will develop skills in the use of basic instruments, equipment, techniques, and hand tools. Electrical codes, blueprints, and electrical systems will be covered. 1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 101 Blueprint Reading for Electricians Details 3
This course is designed to help students understand prints and diagrams used by electricians. Drawings of residences and commercial buildings will be studied. The National Electrician Code will be studied along with the exercises.
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 105 Electrical Safety in Workshop Details 1
This course is designed to educate students about NFPA 70E, a National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard designed to protect workers from the dangers of electricity. Students will learn about various types of electrical hazards and how to conduct a thorough risk assessment before starting electrical work. They will also learn the hierarchy of risk controls and safe work practices.
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 110 Introduction to Electricity Details 3
Course provides a comprehensive study of electronic theory, practices and fundamentals. Laboratory activities explore the underlying principles of DC and AC circuitry through measurement analysis and problem solving strategies. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 115 Electrical Troubleshooting Details 2
Working with real-world components, students in this Electrical Troubleshooting course will learn how to fix electrical problems quickly and safely.  The course was created to bring students up to speed in their electrical troubleshooting skills as efficiently as possible, and to cover the most commonly performed electrical troubleshooting tasks a maintenance technician faces in their job every day.  For the novice or experienced electrician, this training course provides a no-nonsense, practical and real-world systematic approach to electrical troubleshooting.  This course can also be adopted as part of a company's regular Qualified Electrical Worker program. 2 credits (1.25 lecture and 1.5 lab)
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 120 Introduction to National Electrical Code Details 3
An introduction to the national electrical code that will provide the student with a working knowledge of the requirements set forth nationally for practicing electricians.
Prerequisites: (none)
ELE 125 Electrical Applications I Details 3
This course provides the basic skills and knowledge that the electrician uses in the day-to-day routine. Students develop skills in applying electrical blueprint reading, wiring diagrams, and schematic drawings to problem situations. In addition, students develop material lists, cite appropriate codes, and identify potential safety hazards associated with specific jobs. Practical laboratory activities are provided. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 120, or consent of department
ELE 130 Residential Electricity Details 3
An introduction to residential wiring, plans, specifications, and codes. Students are provided theory and lab assignments in the use of wiring diagrams, hooking up single-phase systems, wiring basic lighting and receptacle circuits, and installing low-voltage switching and control circuits. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 100 and ELE 110, or consent of department
ELE 135 Programmable Control Details 3
A practical and theoretical approach to the installation, programming, and maintenance of programmable control (PC) equipment. The course develops skills in the application of PC equipment and computers in manufacturing processes. Practical laboratory activities are provided. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: IMT 120 or consent of department
ELE 195 Special Topics in Electrical Technology Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in electricity not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated three times with different topics. Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
ELE 199 Electrical Technology Internship Details 1-5 (Varies)
This course offers electrical technology students several options for acquiring work-based education in the electrical work site environment. Students may elect to participate in an approved apprenticeship, internship, job shadowing, or mentoring activity as it pertains to their career goals. The course provides the opportunity to apply classroom theory and experience the dynamics of modern industry. Students complete 80 hours of on-the-job training per semester for each enrolled credit hour. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of at least 24 credit hours of course work and a minimum of a 2.0 GPA
ELE 205 Commercial Electricity Details 3
Theory and laboratory assignments in commercial wiring, conduit, blueprint reading, safety, and the National Electrical Code as they apply to commercial circuits. Students will plan, lay out, install, and troubleshoot high- and low-voltage circuits and devices used in commercial buildings. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 125 or consent of department
ELE 220 Electrical Applications II Details 3
Provides the advanced skills and knowledge that the electrician uses in solving electrical problems found in day-to-day situations. Students develop skills in applying electrical theory to the solution of these problems. In addition, students develop material lists, cite appropriate codes and identify potential safety hazards associated with specific jobs. Practical laboratory activities are provided. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 125 or consent of department
ELE 225 Industrial Electricity Details 3
An introduction to industrial wiring, blueprint reading, troubleshooting, and the National Electric Code. Theory and lab assignments in bus systems, unity substations, panelboards, subfeeders, conduit, and special equipment. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 205 or consent of department
ELE 230 Specialized Electrical Circuits Details 3
The introduction of specialized electrical circuits, such as emergency lighting, security, communications, fire alarm, and data processing systems. Students will apply knowledge of blueprints, codes and safety precautions in the solution of installation problems. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 205 and ELE 220, or consent of department
ELE 235 Electrical Systems Analysis Details 3
A comprehensive program of laboratory experiments and report writing to master the principles and operation of machines and devices that generate, transform, and use electrical power. Emphasis is placed on the analysis and assessment of complex electrical circuits. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 135 or consent of department
ELE 240 Instrumentation Details 3
This course is designed to introduce the student to various types of instrumentation and control systems and devices. Topics of study include principles of control systems, methods of measurement, and control elements. This course will primarily cover pressure, temperature, level and flow detection instrumentation. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: IMT 120 or consent of department
ELE 295 Advanced Special Topics in Electrical Technology Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in electricity not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated three times with different topics. Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
Various Electives Details 3
Any credit-based course may be taken to fulfill this requirement. Students should always discuss with their advisor which electives would be best for them to take to best achieve his or her particular goals.
Prerequisites: Varies by course
Electives (1-3) Electives (1-3) Details 1-3
Any credit-based course may be taken to fulfill this requirement. Students should always discuss with their advisor which electives would be best for them to take to best achieve his or her particular goals.
Prerequisites: Varies by course
Electives (3) Electives Details 3
Any credit-based course may be taken to fulfill this requirement. Students should always discuss with their advisor which electives would be best for them to take to best achieve his or her particular goals.
Prerequisites: Varies by course
Various SOC / PSY Elective Details 3
Sociology or Psychology Elective
Prerequisites: (none)
Various IMT Electives Details 3
All courses with the IMT prefix.
IMT 110 Industrial Wiring Details 2
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of industrial wiring and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about the electrical power distribution and the installation and wiring of industrial electrical equipment. 1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 120 Industrial Motors & Controls Details 3
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of motors and controls and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about motor control systems, devices, circuits and troubleshooting. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 140 Pumps/Piping Details 2
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of pump and piping operation and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about maintenance tasks such as pump installation, shaft alignment, wiring, operation, inspection, piping schematics, calculation or pipe lengths, fabrication, installation, and testing of piping circuits, maintenance, troubleshooting and component replacement. 1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 150 Fluid Power I (Hydraulics) Details 3
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of hydraulics and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about hydraulic fundamentals, electrical control of hydraulic systems, hydraulic applications, sensors, and troubleshooting hydraulic circuits. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 155 Fluid Power II (Pneumatics) Details 2
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of pneumatics and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about pneumatic fundamentals, electrical control of pneumatic systems, pneumatic applications, sensors, and troubleshooting pneumatic circuits. 1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 195 Special Topics in Industrial Maintenance Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in industrial maintenance not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated with different topics to maximum of four credit hours. Topics to be listed on student's permanent academic record.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
IMT 199 Industrial Maintenance Internship Details 1-5 (Varies)
Students are placed in selected areas of an industrial maintenance department to learn about and become acquainted with the many different aspects of the working environment. Dual supervision is provided by college staff and the operating business. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of 16 credit hours of course work or consent of department
IMT 200 Mechanical Systems Details 3
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of mechanical systems and predictive maintenance and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about the installation, use, predictive maintenance, and troubleshooting of mechanical drive components. 1 lecture hour, 4 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
IMT 235 Mechatronics Details 4
This course introduces the student to industrial robots, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and troubleshooting integrated systems. The student will learn ladder logic operation of PLCs, programming industrial robots, and troubleshooting methods/practices. 2 lecture hours, 4 lab hours.
Prerequisites: ELE 135
IMT 290 Rigging Details 2
This course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for the understanding of rigging systems and its applications with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts introduced. Students will learn about the fundamentals of rigging practices and the techniques to move, lift and install machines. 1 lecture hour, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
Various MFG Electives Details 3
All courses with the MFG prefix
MFG 103 Introduction to Manufacturing Maintenance Details 2
This course provides a basic understanding of tools and equipment used in manufacturing and knowledge of how to improve productivity through predictive and preventive maintenance. Course content is based on the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician curriculum. Students will qualify to sit for MSSC-M4 - Maintenance Awareness Certification through the MSSC.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 104 Quality/Continuous Improvement Details 3
This course provides an introduction to controlling and improving quality in a manufacturing setting. It explores ways that manufacturers use data and analysis to improve quality and introduces students to lean manufacturing techniques. Course content is based on the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician curriculum. Students will qualify to sit for MSSC-M2 - Quality and Continuous Improvement Certification through the MSSC.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 106 CNC Turning Details 3
Students will be provided with a blueprint and will be responsible for programming, editing, and choosing cutting tools to create a finished part on a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) turning center. Students will program, set-up and produce finished parts. The course includes programming for producing fast finished parts along with all documentations needed for the parts produced. The course is designed to meet the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) Level 1 CNC milling certification. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 111 or consent of department
MFG 110 Introduction to CAD/CAM Details 3
A continuation of the study of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) programming with emphasis on advanced milling and turning machine techniques, program set-up, carbide tooling, program input, program editing, and introductory 3-D machining techniques. Trains machine tool qualified individuals in the operation and programming of CNC machining centers interfaced with CAD/CAM software. CNC applications will be applied to the development of projects through secondary laboratory experiences. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: CAD 114 and MFG 105 or consent of department
MFG 111 CNC Milling Details 4
Students will learn to program, edit, and produce a finished part using a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining center. The course will start with basic programming methods and advance to more complex programming codes. Students will be responsible for setting-up and producing finished parts within the tolerances that are specified. The course is designed to meet the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) Level 1 CNC milling certification. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 135 or consent of department
MFG 113 Introduction to Manufacturing & Industrial Safety Details 3
This course provides students with an introduction to the manufacturing world and provides specific instruction to facilitate safe work practices in industrial environments. It introduces manufacturing specializations such as mechatronics, precision machining and welding and covers fire safety, pressurized gases, electrical hazards, safe machine usage, and lock out tag out. Students learn concepts of industrial noise, machine guarding, electrical safety, chemical exposure, hazardous waste, Worker's Compensation laws, liability, and general safety precautions for the workplace. Course content is based on the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician curriculum and OSHA standards. Students will qualify to sit for MSSC-M1-Safety Certification through the MSSC.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 120 Industrial Robots Details 3
This course introduces students to industrial robots and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). Included is the operation of PLCs. Students will learn ladder diagram programming of PLCs and point-to-point programming for industrial robots. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 121 Advanced Manufacturing Safety Culture Details 1
Introduces the importance of cultivating daily safe work habits and the predictable negative results of not being safety conscious in the workplace. Instructs the students in basic safety culture and prepares them to participate in, conduct, and lead safety walk-throughs. Introduces the student to Safety Discussions. Prepares the student to conduct risk assessment activities, construct safety boards, and formulate individual safety commitments.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 122 Advanced Manufacturing 5S Principles Details 1
Introduces the fundamental 5S process involving the five-step progression described by the Japanese words Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. Instructs the students in the sequence involving classifying and sorting, ordering, and aligning, cleaning, and sweeping up, standardizing, and developing a process of sustainable practice in the workplace. Fosters the development of a workplace organization in which safety and efficiency are always paramount.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 123 Total Management Production Details 1
Instructs the student in the concepts of value-added product, maintenance value-added product, value-added work, and necessary work. Explains the process of how employers earn profit. Demonstrates the Lean Production System for Maintenance using the TPS House framework. Describes and explains the three Ms and the seven Mudas and their relationship to maintenance and production.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 126 Problem Solving in Advanced Manufacturing Details 1
Introduces the 8 step Problem Solving method and the 10-part Drive and Dedication model. Instructs the students to clarify the problem, break it down to analyze it, set achievable targets, analyze the root cause, develop countermeasures, evaluate results and the process, standardize the results, and learn from failures. Fosters the development of a customer first philosophy involving all the stakeholders.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 127 Machine Reliability Advanced Manufacturing Details 1
Introduces Maintenance Reliability training. Describes the difference between corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance. Breaks down proactive maintenance and the underlying tools and constituent processes. Instructs the students in the various individual units in a system and the steps in evaluating failure mode risks and countermeasures.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 131 Maintenance Machinist Fundamentals Details 2
This course provides an overview of machining processes. The course introduces a wide variety of skills in the planning, machining, and finishing of metal products. Students develop basic skills in the use of measurement devices, hand tools, hardware types, locating holes, drill press, band saw, engine lathe, key mills, bearings, and shaft seals. 2 credits (1 lecture/2 lab)
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 135 Precision Machining I Details 3
This course provides an overview of machining processes. The course introduces a wide variety of skills in the planning, machining and finishing of metal products. Students develop basic skills in the use of hand tools, drill press, band saw, engine lathe, vertical milling machine and related equipment. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite/Corequisite: MFG 113
MFG 145 Introduction to Robotics Operations Details 3
This course covers the evolution of robotics and how they are used in a manufacturing or distribution facility. Students will learn the various classifications of robots, understand work-cell sensors, end-of-arm tooling, and the various types of robotics programming. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 150 Handling Tool Operations/Programming Details 3
This course is intended for an operator, technician, engineer or programmer who must setup and record programs on a robot. The course covers the tasks required to set up the specific application, test, run and refine the program and production setup. The course consists of lectures, demonstrations and lab exercises. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 195 Special Topics in Manufacturing Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in manufacturing not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated three times with different topics. Topics to be listed on student's permanent academic record. Possible topics include case studies, simulations, special problems or problem-solving techniques.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
MFG 199 Manufacturing Internship Details 1-5 (Varies)
Students are placed in selected areas of a manufacturing facility to learn about and become acquainted with the many different aspects of the working environment. Dual supervision is provided by college staff and the operating business. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of 14 credit hours of course work or consent of department
MFG 235 Precision Machining II Details 3
This course provides a working, hands-on of machining processes. The course introduces a wide variety of skills in the machining and finishing of metal products. Students develop basic skills in the use of hand tools, drill press, band saw, engine lathe, vertical milling machine and related equipment. Not everyone will pass the NIMS testing; this does not mean you will fail the class. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: MFG 135 or consent of department
MFG 250 Physical Metallurgy Details 3
Introduction to the properties of metals, effects of working metals in various forms and shapes, thermal treatments, phase diagrams, and principles concerning material science including atomic and crystal arrangements and their effect on mechanical properties.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 295 Advanced Special Topics in Manufacturing Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in manufacturing not covered in other courses. Topics will vary at discretion of the instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated with different topics to maximum of four credit hours. Topics to be listed on student's permanent academic record. Possible topics include case studies, simulations, special problems or problem solving techniques.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
Various WLD Electives Details 3
All courses with the WLD prefix.
WLD 101 Maintenance and Repair Welding Details 3
Course covers basic electric arc, oxy-fuel, gas metal arc, and shielded metal arc welding processes. Safety procedures required to set up and shut down welding equipment for the various processes. Hands-on experience includes practice with the three welding and cutting systems using various thickness materials. 1 lecture hour, 4 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
WLD 121 MIG Welding Short Circuit Details 3
Learn machine setup and welding techniques of Gas Metal Arc Welding Short-Circuit Transfer. Perform AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel code compliant welds on carbon steel in the flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead positions. This course aligns with AWS SENSE 1 Module 5 - Key Indicators 1-7, as well as Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. Imbedded credential: AWS welder certification. 0.5 lecture hours, 5 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 (can be taken concurrently), WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 124 MIG Welding Spray Transfer Details 1
This course focuses on proper weld safety, machine setup and welding techniques of Gas Metal Arc Welding Spray Transfer. Perform AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel compliant welds on carbon steel in flat and horizontal positions. This course aligns with AWS SENSE 1 Module 2 - Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, Module 5 - Key Indicators 1, 2 and 8-12, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. 0 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 and WLD 180 or consent of department Corequisites: May be taken with WLD 125
WLD 125 Stick Welding I Details 3
This course focuses on safety, amperage settings, polarity and the proper selection of electrodes for the shielded metal arc welding process. Students perform AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel compliant welds on carbon steel in the flat and horizontal positions using visual and destructive methods for determining weld quality. This course aligns to AWS SENSE 1 Module 4 - Key Indicators 1 - 7 for the flat and horizontal positions, as well as Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. 0.5 lecture hours, 5 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 (may be taken concurrently) and WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 126 Stick Welding II Details 3
This course focuses on safety, amperage settings, polarity and the proper selection of electrodes for the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process. Perform AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel compliant welds on carbon steel in the vertical up and overhead positions using visual and destructive methods for determining weld quality. Students will also visually examine and test various weldments and thermally cut surfaces per multiple welding codes, standards and specifications. This course aligns to AWS SENSE 1 Module 4: Shielded Metal Arc Welding Key Indicators 1-7 for the vertical up and overhead positions as well as Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. Imbedded credential: AWS welder certification and SENSE 1, Module 9: Welding Inspection and Testing Principles. 0.5 lecture hours, 5 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113, WLD 125 and WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 127 TIG Welding Carbon Steel Details 2
Learn weld safety, machine setup and welding techniques for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. Perform AWS D1.3 Structural Welding Code-Sheet Steel compliant welds on carbon steel in the flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead positions. This course aligns to AWS SENSE 1, Module 7 - Key Indicators 1-7, as well as Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. Imbedded credential: AWS welder certification. 0.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 and WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 132 TIG Non-Ferrous Metals Details 2
This course focuses on proper weld safety, machine setup and welding techniques for gas tungsten arc welding on aluminum and stainless steel. Perform AWS D1.2 Structural Welding Code-Aluminum compliant welds on aluminum in the flat and horizontal positions. Perform AWS D1.2 Structural Welding Code-Aluminum Compliant welds on aluminum in the flat and horizontal positions and AWS D1.6 Structural Welding Code-Stainless Steel compliant welds on austenitic Stainless steel in flat, horizontal and vertical positions. This course aligns to AWS SENSE 1, Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, Module 7 - Key Indicators 1, 2 and 8-17 and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. The course combines former WLD 128 and WLD 129. 0.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113, WLD 127 and WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 135 Flux Core Inner & Dual Shield Weld Details 2
Perform proper weld safety, machine setup and welding techniques for Flux Cored Arc Welding Self-Shielded (FCAW-S) and Flux Cored Arc Welding Gas Shielded (FCAW-G). Produce AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code-Steel compliant welds on carbon steel in the flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead positions. This course aligns to SENSE 1 Module 6 - Key Indicators 1-12, as well as Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 3 - Key Indicator 3, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 2. The course combines former WLD 122 and WLD 123. 0.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 and WLD 180 or consent of department
WLD 161 Interpreting Welding Prints Details 3
Students interpret welding prints and sketches focusing on English/Metric measurements, AWS welding symbols, and fabrication requirements. Learn to prepare, assemble and tack weld parts together complying to a print using proper materials and tools. This course aligns to SENSE 1 Module 3: Drawing and Welding Symbol Interpretation, Key Indicators 1 and 2.
Prerequisites: (none)
WLD 170 Specialized Welding Details 1
This course will cover specialized welding processes including basic robotic welding and basic plasma cutting. Students will be introduced to robotic welding systems as well as learn how to perform basic procedures on a system. This course also provides fundamental safety precautions while operating robotic and plasma cutting equipment. 0.5 lecture hours, 1 lab hour.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 or consent of department
WLD 180 Thermal Cutting Processes Details 2
Practice proper safety, equipment setup and cutting techniques for manual and mechanized OxyFuel, Plasma and Air Arc cutting, scarfing and gouging on carbon steel, aluminum and stainless steel in the flat and horizontal positions conforming to AWS C4.1. This course aligns to AWS SENSE 1 Module 2 - Key Indicator 7, Module 8 Units 1 – 4, and Module 9 - Key Indicator 1. 0.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: Corequisites: MFG 113
WLD 194 Capstone Project Details 1
Design, fabricate, weld to an appropriate welding code, and finish assemble a quality manufactured product using layout tools, saws, grinders, drills, Oxyfuel, Plasma, Air Carbon Arc and multiple welding processes. 0 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 113 and WLD 180 Corequisites: WLD 126, WLD 127, WLD 132, WLD 135 and WLD 130
WLD 195 Special Topics in Welding Details 1-4 (Varies)
Deals with current topics in welding not covered in other courses. Topics will vary with needs, interests, and goals of the student and instructor. No topic will be offered more than twice within three years. May be repeated three times with different topics. Topics to be listed on student's permanent academic record.
Prerequisites: Consent of department
WLD 199 Welding Internship Details 1-5 (Varies)
Students are placed in selected areas of manufacturing and production using proper welding techniques to learn about and become acquainted with the many different aspects of the working environment. Dual supervision is provided by college staff and the operating business. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
Prerequisites: consent of department