AA degree-seeking students choose 9 credits (three courses) with at least one course from each list. AFA degree-seeking students must select at least one course from the humanities area. AS degree-seeking students choose 6 credits (two courses) with at least one course from each list. AAS degree-seeking students desiring a humanities or fine arts course may choose any course from either list. |
CHN 101 |
Elementary Chinese I |
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4 |
This course provides an introduction to beginning Mandarin Chinese. The goal of this course is to develop communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading, and writing with emphasis on speaking skills. This course will introduce selected topics on traditional Chinese culture, current trends in China and Taiwan, as well as U.S. Interaction with China. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
CHN 102 |
Elementary Chinese II |
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4 |
This course is a continuation course designed for students who already have basic knowledge and language skills of Mandarin Chinese. The goal of this course is to continue helping students build competence in listening, speaking, reading, and writing with emphasis on daily oral Chinese. This course will also introduce selected topics on traditional Chinese culture, religion and philosophy, and current trends. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. |
Prerequisites: |
CHN 101 |
ENG 114 |
Fiction |
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3 |
A study of fiction, including short stories and novels. IAI: H3 901. |
Prerequisites: |
ENG 101 |
ENG 130 |
Introduction to Film |
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3 |
This course introduces the basics of film production and analysis in order to help students understand and enjoy film as an art form. Students will be introduced to the formal elements of film production as well as fundamental principles of genre and narrative in order to understand how directors' decisions regarding these elements and principles create meaning. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
ENG 231 |
American Literature I |
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3 |
Major American writers, 1620-1865. IAI: H3 914. |
Prerequisites: |
ENG 101 or consent of department |
ENG 232 |
American Literature II |
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3 |
Major American writers, 1865 to present. IAI: H3 915. |
Prerequisites: |
ENG 101 or consent of department |
ENG 241 |
English Literature I |
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3 |
British masters up to the nineteenth century. IAI: H3 912. |
Prerequisites: |
ENG 101 or consent of department |
ENG 242 |
English Literature II |
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3 |
British masters, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. IAI: H3 913. |
Prerequisites: |
ENG 101 or consent of department |
ENG 251 |
World Literature |
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3 |
A survey of the literature of Africa, Continental Europe, the Far East, Great Britain, Latin America, Mediterranean, and North America. A variety of literary genres, including poetry, short fiction and drama, will be discussed. IAI: H3 906. |
Prerequisites: |
ENG 101 or consent of department |
GER 101 |
German I |
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4 |
An introduction to basic German grammatical structures, pronunciation and vocabulary. The course emphasizes development of communicative competence in German; hence the focus on listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing skills. The course also addresses various cultural aspects of the German-speaking countries and thus develops students' cultural awareness. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
GER 102 |
German II |
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4 |
This course is a continuation of German I, building on the skills acquired during German I - basic grammatical structures, pronunciation and vocabulary. Focus of the course will be the further development of communicative competence in German. The emphasis will be on listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing skills. The course also addresses various cultural aspects of the German-speaking countries and continues to develop students' cultural awareness. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. |
Prerequisites: |
GER 101 with a grade of "C" or above |
HUM 101 |
Introduction to Humanities |
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3 |
Study of human values, self-perceptions, and aspirations expressed in drama, film, music, literature, painting, sculpture, and architecture with an emphasis on history, techniques, meaning, and evaluation of individual works. IAI: HF 900. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
HUM 121 |
Sex and Gender in the Humanities |
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3 |
Interdisciplinary study of art, music, literature, history, and philosophy reflecting the cultural identity of sex, gender, and sexuality. IAI: HF907D |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
HUM 200 |
The Art of Being Human |
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3 |
An interdisciplinary course that incorporates aspects of Western European, Far Eastern and Third World art, music, philosophy, religion, drama, and literature. The humanities are treated as a process leading to the enrichment of human experience. IAI: HF 901. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
PHL 101 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
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3 |
A study of recurrent, persistent human principles and problems such as the validity of knowledge; the nature of truth; the nature of identity, free will and determination; moral and aesthetic values; and religious belief systems. IAI: H4 900 |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
PHL 111 |
Introduction to Critical Thinking |
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3 |
A study of the rules of valid judging and reasoning, both inductive and deductive, in a traditional, language-centered context rather than a symbolic context. Logical analysis of both formal and informal fallacies and of the consistency and logical consequences of a given set of statements is included. IAI: H4 906 |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
PHL 121 |
Ethics |
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3 |
A study of the principal ethical theories and concepts of human conduct and character, as well as a critical evaluation of these theories and concepts as they apply to particular moral problems and decisions. IAI: H4 904 |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
PHL 201 |
Major World Religions |
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3 |
An introductory survey of selected teachings, practices and institutions of major Eastern and Western religions. May include the role of history; appreciation for forms of expression; and criticism of their origins, rituals, and forms of religious knowledge and destiny. IAI: H5 904N |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
PHL 211 |
Philosophy of Religion |
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3 |
A study of selected religious concepts and theories, such as the existence and nature of a deity, the nature of good and evil, reason and faith, ethics, and the afterlife. May include an examination of the nature of religious language and experience. IAI: H4 905 |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
RST 101 |
Introduction to the Bible |
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3 |
A study of Jewish and Christian scriptures from a historical viewpoint with emphasis on literary genres in the Bible and the relationship to Western culture. Students enrolled in this course may not enroll in RST 111 or RST 112. IAI: H5 901. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
RST 111 |
Introduction to the Old Testament |
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3 |
Jewish scriptures from a historical viewpoint with emphasis on literary genres in the Bible and the relationship to Western culture. Students enrolled in this course may not enroll in RST 101. IAI: H5 901 |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
RST 112 |
Introduction to the New Testament |
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3 |
A study of Christian scriptures from a historical viewpoint with emphasis on literary genres in the Bible and the relationship to Western culture. Students enrolled in this course may not enroll in RST 101. IAI: H5 901. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
RST 175 |
Foundational Religious Texts |
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3 |
The humanistic study of the foundational documents of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Course looks at the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Qur'an, as well as secondary sacred texts that are used by each tradition to explain the meaning of these primary texts. IAI: H5 901. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
SPN 101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
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4 |
Fundamentals of grammar and pronunciation, with emphasis on reading, writing, and conversation. Also incorporates geography, customs, and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
SPN 102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
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4 |
Continuation of Elementary Spanish I, continuing to emphasize development of proficiency in the language in five areas: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural understanding. In class, students will be actively engaged in communicating in Spanish and learning about the Spanish-speaking world. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. |
Prerequisites: |
SPN 101 with a grade of "C" or better |
ART 115 |
Art Appreciation |
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3 |
Designed to expose/cultivate an awareness of art in our culture with some emphasis on contemporary times. IAI: F2 900 |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
ART 120 |
Art Survey and Appreciation II |
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3 |
A course designed to provide an understanding of the history of the visual arts and the role it plays in serving humankind. Using visuals from books, Web sources, some video clips, and museum trips (virtual or real), students will explore why art is created, its function in society, how it affects us, and how it can enrich our lives. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
Class Setting Options: |
Available via Internet only. |
DRA 103 |
Introduction to Theater |
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3 |
The broad concepts of the aesthetics and form of drama as evidenced in the living theater. Includes reading of plays and the study of dramaturgy with general discussion of elements of the play and theater. IAI: F1 907. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
DRA 125 |
Acting I: Movement and Voice |
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3 |
Intensive training of the physical instrument, utilizing a variety of traditional and non-traditional techniques. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
MUS 102 |
Music Appreciation |
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3 |
A non technical course designed for the non music major, to develop within the listener an appreciation for music. Includes brief historical background of music and the leading composers of various periods. IAI: F1 900. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
MUS 121 |
Introduction to Music Literature |
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3 |
A study of the terminology, vocabulary and structure of music literature and style through the history and examination of selected composers and materials. IAI: F1 901. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |