Clubs & Organizations
There are a variety of different clubs and organizations for every student. Students can join clubs that stimulate them culturally, socially, and intellectually. Joining clubs at John Wood can help students flourish while stepping out of their comfort zones, making lasting friendships, learning new skills, networking, and finding new interests.

Agriculture Club
The Agriculture Club’s primary objectives are service, leadership, public relations, and recreation. Major activities include cooking at the Blazer BBQ, annual spring banquet, participation in state and national post-secondary agriculture competition, and attendance at several major agriculture-related conferences and exhibitions. Any JWCC student interested in agriculture is welcome to join the Ag Club.
Advisor: Bethany Beeler
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Blazerettes Dance Team
The JWCC Blazerettes Dance Team performs at halftime of home JWCC Basketball games, JWCC events, and community events. The Blazerettes choreograph and perform pom, jazz, kick, and lyrical style dances. The team also completes community service opportunities. The JWCC Blazerettes hold tryouts once-twice a year. Any student with a love for JWCC, dance, or pom should consider trying out!
2023-24 Team Roster
McKenna Abbott
Kyndall Causey
Addison Fish
Kamryn Hagerbaumer
Julia Hun
Michaela Seaver
Kirrah VanZile
Advisor: Kristen Stegeman
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Campus Crusade for Christ
The John Wood Community College Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) is a nondenominational organization that offers fellowship, weekly Bible studies, focused prayer, opportunities for service projects, and various social events for John Wood Community College students. We are a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Cru participates in an annual Spring break mission trip called NOLA and Fall Getaway immersion experience for fellowship and leadership training.
Check Blazer Vision for the current times and location for our meetings.
Advisor: Ryan Jansen
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The cheerleading squad promotes school spirit at home athletic events. The primary goal while cheering at all men’s and women’s basketball competitions is to lead in encouraging the team and helping the crowd to get excited. Each squad member is required to attend all athletic events, understand the role of the squad at these events, and lead and entertain the crowd to support JWCC. Anyone interested in joining the team can contact the coach for more information regarding tryouts.
2023-24 Team Roster
Hunter Bradbury
Mariah Clements
Nicole Cooley
Mikey Goodwin
Avery Grawe
Bella Hanlin
Ashley Juette
Maryn Kasza
Maiah Lenz
Delia Lopez
Peyton Mast
Breanna Matticks
Summer Miller
Katie Pults
Savannah Real
Peyton Robbins
Alayna Schmoe
Amber Schone
Paige Seals
Josalyn Sultzman
Keyouna West
Anna Whitlow
Advisor: Meagan Root and Sami Rochelle
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College Republicans
The JWCC College Republicans promote the principles found within the Republican Party, develop political skills and leadership abilities among members, stress the importance of getting involved in national and local politics, and bring political diversity to campus.
Advisor: Barbara Holthaus
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Gay-Straight Alliance
This club is for everyone! While we focus on issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community, the goal is to educate and engage everybody! Events range from holiday celebrations and guest speakers to fundraising drives. We are always open to new ideas that will make campus a more inclusive space! For meeting times, or for more information, please contact the advisor.
Advisor: Evyn Olivas
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Livestock Evaluation Club
JWCC Livestock Judging Club members participate in many livestock judging competitions throughout the United States. Some of the competitions include National Western- Denver CO, North American Livestock Exhibition- Louisville KY, American Royal- Kansas City MO, World Beef Expo- Milwaukee WI, Boilermaker Classic- Lafayette IN. The goal of the club is to enhance the experience of agriculture students and exposes them to producers and industry experts from throughout the country.
Livestock judging competitions help students learn to apply scientific principles of animal growth for the evaluation of various species of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats. Teams rank animals based on specific criteria such as muscling and conformation to determine the most superior animal. Students’ rankings are compared to those determined by animal industry experts serving as official judges. Students who place based on their rankings are asked to offer findings during a verbal presentation to competition officials. The most accurate and convincing presentations receive the highest scores.
Advisor: Justin Lewis
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Music Club
Passionate about music? Maybe just listen to it on your phone? Or perhaps you want to go into the grade schools and help bring music to children?
Music Club’s objective is to promote music and support the cause of music education. The John Wood music club is open to any current John Wood student regardless of their enrollment in music classes. Past activities have included visiting grade school classrooms and helping provide music activities for elementary classes at area schools during “Music in Our Schools Month.” The group has also sponsored various educational programs on jazz, choral, and instrumental topics.
Advisor: Steven Soebbing
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Pep Band
Pep Band is the club for any student who enjoys playing a musical instrument, cheering on Blazer athletics, and desires to be part of a spirited organization. Pep Band plays during home basketball games and energizes the JWCC student section, the “Wood Pile.”
Advisor: Jessica Snider
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Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Theta Kappa, an international honors organization with more than 900 chapters, recognizes academic achievement at the community college level. The Alpha Tau Gamma chapter at John Wood was chartered in 1991 and meets throughout the year working on projects related to Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship. At John Wood, Phi Theta Kappa has the following membership requirements: A student must have completed twelve semester hours of associate degree work, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, and be currently enrolled in classes at John Wood. Students are recognized with special regalia at annual graduation ceremonies.
For more information about PTK, visit the official PTK website.
Advisor: Jennifer Grindstaff
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Rotaract Club
Rotaract club at John Wood Community College is open to all students who attend any JWCC campus, however, is primarily housed at the JWCC Southeast Education Center.
This club is a great way to extend a hand in your local community. Rotaract club teaches students the importance of teamwork through service projects, develops and strengthens leadership skills that can benefit a student professionally when they graduate and begin their career.
Advisor: Diane Vose
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Science and Engineering Club
The Science and Engineering Club gets together to talk through different projects around Engineering. Their goal is to come together, outside of the classroom, to have fun and informative conversations, speakers, and discuss projects they can do to test their skills and knowledge!
Advisor: Randy Wolfmeyer
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Student Government Association
SGA holds monthly meetings, promotes involvement in activities, allocates funds to clubs, recognizes and supports student organizations, appoints student representatives to JWCC committees, conducts student elections, and makes recommendations to the SGA Advisor.
Any student at John Wood Community College is welcome to join SGA and attend meetings. Find out about Blazer Activity teams, current student government representatives, and more!
Student Life Coordinator: Austin Banks
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Student Nurses Organization
Student Nurses Organization (SNO) is for those interested in a career in nursing. SNO helps to promote professionalism and safe nursing practice through guiding the student nurse to nurture an interest in nursing practice and community healthcare concerns. SNO also focuses on sculpting people into helping and healing everyone fairly and equally.
SNO provides opportunities, promotes and encourages participation regardless of a person’s race, color, creed, sex, lifestyle, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, marital status, lifestyle, disability, or economic status. SNO allows students to have input in nursing education and influence health care. SNO also encourages correspondence between chapters and participation with SGA as well as other related health and community organizations.
Advisor: Sarah Straza
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Theatre Guild
Interested in acting on stage? Or running a show behind the curtain?
Theatre Guild promotes theatrical productions and acting opportunities. The John Wood Theatre Guild is open to any John Wood student who is interested in furthering their theatrical experience.
A full staged play is sponsored by the club each year that is auditioned in the fall. Auditions are open to all students, as well as stage crew opportunities.
Advisor: Steven Soebbing
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