Cash payments should be made at the business office, Room C118.
For your convenience, an “after hours” payment depository is located to the right of the business office door.
Check and money order payments should be made payable to John Wood Community College and can be delivered in person to the business office or mailed to: John Wood Community College, ATTN: Business Office, 1301 S. 48th Street, Quincy, IL 62305-8736.
Students whose check payments are returned to the college will be assessed a $25 returned check fee. Checks may not be accepted from persons who have written or submitted one or more returned checks to the college.
Personal checks will not be accepted for reinstatement in classes.
For your convenience, you can use most major payment cards to pay your balance through your JWCC SOLAR account – choose “Make a Secure Payment.”
We accept most major payment cards for payment at our JWCC business office.
To guard against identity theft, do not submit credit card information to us by email.
Authorized Payment Plan through Nelnet
To assist students who cannot pay all of their tuition costs before the start of each semester, John Wood Community College offers a tuition payment plan through Nelnet Campus Commerce.
There is a $30.00 non-refundable Nelnet enrollment fee per semester. With this plan, your payments are automatically deducted from your checking account on the 5th of each month until the balance due the college is paid in full. Monthly payments can also be charged to most major payment cards on the 5th of each month.
A small convenience fee will be added when using the payment card option.
Please review the Nelnet brochure below which gives you details of this payment plan and helps you determine the amount to budget through Nelnet.
2024-25 Nelnet Campus Commerce Payment Plan Options
To confirm the amount of your charges and financial aid, please call the business office at 217.641.4207 prior to enrolling online in the payment plan.
Simple Steps to Enroll in the Payment Plan
A third party billing is when a private or governmental agency is paying for any portion of your tuition, fees or books AND they are requesting a bill from the college. Examples of third party entities are: employers, WIOA, DORS, and College Illinois!
It is the student’s responsibility to present their student bill to the third party entity at the time of registration. An authorization to bill must be submitted to the JWCC business office by the third party entity on company letterhead by the payment deadline. Authorizations CANNOT be accepted by telephone.
Authorization letters MUST include the following information in order to be processed:
Financial aid at John Wood Community College may include scholarships, grants and/or loans. Students must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually to receive federal grants and loans. For information on financial aid programs, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 217.641.4333, or email
If financial aid is not processed by the tuition deadline, you are responsible to pay your tuition in full or enroll in the Nelnet payment plan.
Scholarship information should be directed to Kayla Lomax, Manager of Student Accounts at 217.641.4202.
For specific information on various Veterans Administration educational benefits, please contact Lisa Snodgrass, Coordinator of Records, Registration, and Veteran’s Affairs in Room C163 in the Student Administrative Center. Please contact Lisa at 217.641.4330 or by email.
Protect Your Identity
JWCC is committed to protecting each student’s financial information. We do not solicit, nor will we accept credit card information by email. Students who want to pay by credit card should log into their JWCC SOLAR account to make a secure payment. Others wishing to make payments should call our business office at 217.641.4211.