What is Perkins?
Perkins is a grant in place to grow and support Career and Technical Programs. This includes assisting students that are pursuing an Associate in Applied Science or a Certificate program.
Who qualifies?
To qualify a student must be enrolled in a qualifying program of study and have ONE of the following special forms of need:
- Economic need
- A documented disability
- A single parent (or pregnant)
- Be in or aged out of foster care
- Homeless
- Youth of a parent on active duty in the armed forces
- English Language Learners (ELL)
- Students pursuing a degree non-traditional for their gender (e.g. a male in nursing, or a female in welding)
- Or out of workforce individuals
What does Perkins offer?
Perkins offers assistance in the form of:
- Textbook loans
- Mileage assistance (must qualify)
- Bus passes
- Uniforms (EMT, Nursing, Culinary, etc.)
- Welding kits
- HVAC kits
- Tutoring (limited)
How do I apply?
To be considered for Perkins, students must complete an application. You may complete this application online.
Contact Natalya Sorensen by phone at 217.641.4941, by email, or visit room D124 on the Quincy campus.